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    • you're not unbanned because of the simplicity of the command; you're unbanned until you use it and get banned again
    • Such a good person, we gonna miss you bro
    • Give the man his account/accounts back, I mean I see guys unbanned that was using illegal things in pk and they are back on their chars, why cause they donors? Maybe all us donors should do same thing then and not be banned and ruin this game for everyone. If anything I know of this dude and I enjoyed killing his farmers in cz but he does make a point, jail, jail and 30 day ban. 
    • First of all, I want to thank each of you for your support and helpfulness. I'm not here to argue or step on anyone's toes. I also want to emphasize that this discussion is about learning and educating ourselves, including my own intentions in the game. My name is Gouda, and my clan name is Gouda as well. I spent a lot of time farming and engaging in merchant activities selling and buying your items. I worked hard to ensure that every missing item from the merchant was available, as much as i could  I helped most of you, and I never said 'no' when asked for a favor or assistance. Despite my efforts, I found myself banned. The question is: why? Some suggest it's because I used a macro. So, what is a macro? A macro is a basic program that can be used as a hotkey to repeatedly press a specific key. This ensures the use of a certain skill, potion, or any item in your skills bar, or specific keys on your keyboard, which we often use in the game (such as Z, R, W, S, and so on).This program or application might be related to hardware like for example Razer mouse or keyboard, or it could be a simple macro hotkey that repeatedly presses a basic key as mentioned earlier. Is using a macro for farming is legal? If you look at the website under the Rules of Conduct section, it says:  (12) Using Macro tools on PK 1st strike = Jail 2nd strike = Jail 3rd strike = 30-day Ban This implies that using macros for farming is acceptable. Even if you use it in PK, which is the thing that ruins the experience for other players. you won't get a permanent ban, Instead, you'll be jailed twice before getting a 30-day ban " Not permanent ban " Additionally, everyone who farmed MoC was using macros. As we can see  Using a macro for farming is legal. Using a macro for PK Is illegal pre Rules of Conduct and that what i didn't do    if that so  then what exactly is an illegal macro or bot? Again according to the website's the Rules of Conduct section: (11) Using 3rd Party Tools (aka bots) = Permanent Ban An illegal macro or bot is a program that can read pixel colors and has a timer. For example, the bot that Sky publicly demonstrated and extensively discussed, or those used by players farming at the ancient trees, result in a permanent ban. Throughout, he consistently posted my videos alongside those of other illegal bot users, attempting to associate me with them and convince people that I use the same program. but i did not. What did I use then? I used simple macros I'm sure all of you saw the videos where my characters moved in a funny way, going forward and backward in a pattern like (Z, R, 2, W, 2, S, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8) and repeating over and over again. With this movement, I ensured that my characters would be slower, to stay close to the priests and not going far from the spot where I farm.      For my mana and repair, I used a record macro. Every few seconds, it would use 1x mana potion , and after 18 minutes it would use a magic hammer. Yes, my record macro was 18 minutes long, in order to use repair 1 time at the end of it Most of the time, if I went AFK or needed to do something else, I would stop the mouse macro because it is easier and faster then i will go check on whatever i wanna do. that is why on the videos that SKY recorded for my characters they are moving at the same funny way  but one of the videos they don't use mana   while the other one they are using mana( maybe i forgot to stop my mouse macro on that time )  Again I repeat  I DO NOT USE macro or bot is a program that can read pixel colors and has a timer. yet I received a permanent ban. That's where my confusion lies. So ? For the last few weeks, people referred to my characters as the "Mafia" at Forgotten Temple. because i can use many computers, coupled with a game item available to everyone (Premium), allowing me to enter with several characters. When I asked them why you are calling me that? they respond with "it was unfair to get multiple FT coupons at the same time they only can have one". In response, players targeted my characters, attempting to trade my priest at FT and accused me of cheating,  badmouthing me, among other things. Do you think this was fair? Should someone with a car be forced to use public transport because others can't afford one? Should someone downgrade their home because others find it unfair? Is it wrong to use multiple computers when others can't ? Should I limit my farming because others can't afford more devices? If we look deeper, perhaps jealousy and Misinformation fueled the negativity towards me. I believe what happened was unfair I haven't committed anything wrong  I haven't harmed anyone. I was farming, and farming what I do I posted this topic seeking clarification from the game manager regarding macros and other concerns, I want to understand the rules better. Since using macros for farming is allowed, I kindly request that my accounts be fully reinstated. Thank you! Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who treated me kindly during my time here.
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