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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. @nikos32When can we hope to see these things that have been promised for months, but not delivered? The server is dying a slow and painful death, and we need some content changes to keep the masses interested, (albeit not that many players at the moment even play, as evident in the Online User count and at any given time) or stop from jumping ship and going to another private server... I don't care if it is as simple as incorporating a level cap increase, a proper Genie like in more updated versions, where they can be used in all areas except CZ, to keep the macro users subdued, or Blue Frags for new weapons, etc etc. There are so many options, but nothing has happened as of late, and we NEED something to happen. Many of us Pay to Play...which keeps you and yours with food on the table, and supports the game, but it is coming to a quick ending if we don't have something to keep us interested. PLEASE put into place these thing you have eluded to previously, and make it happen! I do NOT want to start over again, like we did in the last version, and lost everything we worked hard for, to lose it all when the "relaunch" occurred. I did it once, but not again. I know others feel the same and it is evident in all the NP holders in the Website that haven't been on in ages. or flat out quit. Expansion, with new content, and I bet the old players will start coming back.
    2 points
  2. @RUNRUNdevuelve sus items, ratero !!
    2 points
  3. Everyone learn from mistakes, at least he accept the fact that he used smth with his warr, hes one of most active ppl who look for pk atm on server Btw he can be gay but not cheater
    2 points
  4. Fixed an issue that prevented clan symbols from being registered following the server restart on June 24. Fixed an issue that prevented the allocation of stat points following the server restart on July 12. 1+1 Level Up event has started. During the event period, if you level up once, you will receive a free level. If you are level 1 you become 3. 1+1 event is only available until level 67. The highest level that you can achieve boosts on is 69. Only odd number levels receive the effect (1 -> 3 -> 5). For intentionally leveling down, even number levels do not receive the benefit (2 -> 4 -> 6). Additionally, there have been changes to all magic and healing skills/potions (including DOT), the attack system, the item equipping system, the bounty system, the TP to Ultima's room, the weapon and archery range systems, the movement speed check system, and various NP, XP, and coin systems, including XP and coin jackpots. If you notice anything unusual, please report it. Update: Fixed an issue that prevented attacking enemies in the Deathmatch event following the server restart on July 17. Fixed an issue that prevented the casting of Critical Restore (and possibly other skills) following the server restart on July 17.
    1 point
  5. sell ascalon +7 !!
    1 point
  6. The following characters/accounts have been permanently banned: KANUNISULTANSULEYMAN PINGA_MUERTA PRIMALBEASTTTTTTTTT LaBrujaDeL71 Bumblebee1 ENANITO_VERDE ToGuito RodimusPrim3 Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa EL_PINGA_CHUECA Xvideos Xvideosxxx (DoritaLaFarmeadorita) HELPPPPPPPPPPP
    1 point
  7. Thank you for your report. Do you remember if you recently switched from higher to lower resolution or if you upscaled the UI etc? Also the video link asks me to login/signup in order to access it, couldn't you upload it anywhere else? If you still can't get it fixed, run anydesk and PM me the info. It would be nice if we could figure out what caused it in the first place though.
    1 point
  8. hi i want report this guy full doing npt when at bdw war. he just always brought his human character into the middle of the war and for stood still to be killed by the orcs. Broke fair play xd and rules of the game point 7. nick : Redbull ( Warrior ) nation : human this guy same person with "KenzaEnigma" (Warrior Orc) . KenzaEnigma also there at bdw thats why him give free point to orc THE PROOF IMAGE
    1 point
  9. i also want to report DoreMiXSalooooooo, same death number as Redbull @Salocin
    1 point
  10. Good evening everyone. I would like to convey my message to GM Nikos. Please unblock me and my clan. I have been using a simple macro to grow boroo for a while and I learned about this program from some people, but I did not know that it is something illegal and I have not used it again. I hope that you will unblock me. Thank you abadGirl
    1 point
  11. Give the man his account/accounts back, I mean I see guys unbanned that was using illegal things in pk and they are back on their chars, why cause they donors? Maybe all us donors should do same thing then and not be banned and ruin this game for everyone. If anything I know of this dude and I enjoyed killing his farmers in cz but he does make a point, jail, jail and 30 day ban.
    1 point
  12. SB7 has been unbanned.
    1 point
  13. @Muhammed ibraim run anydesk and PM me the info.
    1 point
  14. I join for unban SB7. I think it's not fair, especially because other players were forgiven and he wasn't. please unban
    1 point
  15. We love sb7. Pls forgive n release him.
    1 point
  16. OMG... We going to miss you bro
    1 point
  17. TheEvil and ForgottenPriest unbanned.
    1 point
  18. sky why sharing private conversion? Girls please think one more time to send him nudes.. I never sharing a conversation ss. All nudes safe with me.
    1 point
  19. Please do not kill horses. Killing a horse for a cloak does not suit any human being. We are already killing enough things in CZ. How far is this barbarism? These actions are never acceptable in the 21st century. Sell ascalon +7
    0 points
  20. @nikos32 LNS event is over, Muriqui gave score intentionally to human side.
    0 points
  21. problem solved by talking eachother.
    0 points
  22. I saw it metal harassed them and he keep provoking even her with his "husband " message because he can't be civilized for even fake moment this kind of players need to be ban ASAP
    0 points
  23. problem solved by talking eachother.
    0 points
  24. Hi, this morning around 04:00 AM Server time i accidentally deleted my rogue main char instead of my side priest char. The char that i deleted by accidentally is HeavyMetalKING, the side char i wanted to delete is HariDarshan. I really need help about it because my gear gone right now. Thank you @nikos32
    0 points
  25. Release the gay boy.
    0 points
  26. Nikoss I continue to reiterate that what I did was against policy and this was caused by my lack of understanding of which macros are allowed. I will, and continue to, own up to my actions, and I hope you can reconsider my ban. If unbanned, I will use this experience as a learning moment, and I will commit to creating awareness about the tools allowed and not allowed in the server and help foster a server of fair play and fun. Thank you again, Joyla
    0 points
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