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  1. Yesterday
  2. Since drop rates like 0.001% its not about sc, drop rates must be increased. Thats all.
  3. Last week
  4. Hello. we all know that the Droprate on this server is low, I would rather say pathetic. My suggestion is to implement scrolls to increase the droprate by 50%. So that it wouldn't be a revolution, they could be bought only for KC in the price of Trina, for example, or directly in the control panel of the player's Character. This would prevent massive shopping. Or like some special sceolls, - not tradable. In order to eliminate the Macro farm party respawn effect, the scroll would only work on the character it was used on, that is, not for the whole party Or it would not work in the party at all. Discussion open- well thank you
  5. @nikos32When can we hope to see these things that have been promised for months, but not delivered? The server is dying a slow and painful death, and we need some content changes to keep the masses interested, (albeit not that many players at the moment even play, as evident in the Online User count and at any given time) or stop from jumping ship and going to another private server... I don't care if it is as simple as incorporating a level cap increase, a proper Genie like in more updated versions, where they can be used in all areas except CZ, to keep the macro users subdued, or Blue Frags for new weapons, etc etc. There are so many options, but nothing has happened as of late, and we NEED something to happen. Many of us Pay to Play...which keeps you and yours with food on the table, and supports the game, but it is coming to a quick ending if we don't have something to keep us interested. PLEASE put into place these thing you have eluded to previously, and make it happen! I do NOT want to start over again, like we did in the last version, and lost everything we worked hard for, to lose it all when the "relaunch" occurred. I did it once, but not again. I know others feel the same and it is evident in all the NP holders in the Website that haven't been on in ages. or flat out quit. Expansion, with new content, and I bet the old players will start coming back.
  6. the purpose of my 1st post in this forum to have better understanding for the rules and this was Nikos answer https://ibb.co/C665DNk and i understand that someone like u can't understand the meaning of being legit because you are using these kind of illegal programs and because of that u assume that everyone like u but there are some people have brain and they are using whatever they have in order to achieve their goal and my goal is to farm I hope this image demonstrates to you and everyone else that I do not use any illegal programs. Additionally, I have been actively playing with both the priest and warrior, as anyone can verify by watching the video, https://ibb.co/NnWFCR1 and also i hope Nikos find something to do about this harassment that you are doing
  7. https://streamable.com/8fg5p9 Still wonder why they got ban but still keep doing the same
  8. Some gays relog/dc or get dced by other player of the char in BDW and when they relog they are not in party and can't add them. So this makes people lose.... Fix it please ! TY
  9. Earlier
  10. Hola amigo nikos... gracias por tu interes, se que siempre haces lo mejor para el servidor, queria preguntarte si habria la posibilidad de si se pudiera regresarme lo robado? mas ahora que el mercado en moradon esta dificil, me ayudarias un monton por favor muchas gracias, espero que puedas ayudarme.
  11. That one was fixed in the previous server restart on July 12. However, we made another changes to the clan system today, but presumably everything is still okay.
  12. https://streamable.com/zc6hbl - mage called Harusfurbeng This ids belong to him (probably old clan GOUDA) https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Schmerzeno https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Adesorlobar https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Etoniclimstec https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Ristungehsl https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Harusfurbeng https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Olerocefa https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Lanzy https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Vekuslastic https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=Kortuamente @nikos32
  13. Update: Fixed an issue that prevented attacking enemies in the Deathmatch event following the server restart on July 17. Fixed an issue that prevented the casting of Critical Restore (and possibly other skills) following the server restart on July 17.
  14. Thanks for the bug issues. But server needs something big upgrade. Please release the felankor...
  15. Please do not kill horses. Killing a horse for a cloak does not suit any human being. We are already killing enough things in CZ. How far is this barbarism? These actions are never acceptable in the 21st century. Sell ascalon +7
  16. Clan grade bug fixed ? Should we kill horse for cape if it wont go down again
  17. sell ascalon +7 !!
  18. Nothing new, they are meant to behave the same.
  19. Any further information about those?
  20. Fixed an issue that prevented clan symbols from being registered following the server restart on June 24. Fixed an issue that prevented the allocation of stat points following the server restart on July 12. 1+1 Level Up event has started. During the event period, if you level up once, you will receive a free level. If you are level 1 you become 3. 1+1 event is only available until level 67. The highest level that you can achieve boosts on is 69. Only odd number levels receive the effect (1 -> 3 -> 5). For intentionally leveling down, even number levels do not receive the benefit (2 -> 4 -> 6). Additionally, there have been changes to all magic and healing skills/potions (including DOT), the attack system, the item equipping system, the bounty system, the TP to Ultima's room, the weapon and archery range systems, the movement speed check system, and various NP, XP, and coin systems, including XP and coin jackpots. If you notice anything unusual, please report it. Update: Fixed an issue that prevented attacking enemies in the Deathmatch event following the server restart on July 17. Fixed an issue that prevented the casting of Critical Restore (and possibly other skills) following the server restart on July 17.
  21. @nikos32 LNS event is over, Muriqui gave score intentionally to human side.
  22. I didn't surprised that why too many users left just because of parasites of this server. Beginners got no chance against their mindgames actually. I witnessed a lotta disgusting things by these parasites and also i heard that 1 guy was giving a score in BDW against humans. It was not like that a month ago... everybody in karus side knows that its ''IMPOSSIBLE'' to win an event nowadays. What should we do? I guess the best thing is telling those things in public. Is it?
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