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Everything posted by AztecGoldHero

  1. Howcome u guys think by removing talia its something against sins? The main reason i say this is because mage teams crying about flame talia and they are all leaving the game at this point RedLine , TBL etc. The reason i say this is because melee parties are using spear talias and i got bored of it. So what im trying to do is now make a topic about talia armors and try to get a vote poll like @nikos32also did for call pt in CSW. if it won't be removed then i will make sure that my clan Champions everyone will have talia armors including dagger ones and make the server more boring then it already is. For the rest sin class is weak in damage i agree they need boost it i think i said it multiple times at discord. So stop with off topic stuffs and call me a sin hater or sin deleter i like the sin class.
  2. @nikos32 I think you should remove talia armors from the server. The server is already too tanky cuz of normal anti defense armors , iron sets , war wings etcetera. Make a poll at ur panel for removing talia or not and im sure most people will vote for removing it.
  3. All he does is raid 15 hour straight farmers, he uses minor + mana pot macro while he tp himself with a latop mage account. RevienT4CulOs is the biggest ape i've seen at ProfessionalKO.
  4. Should be medal of courage not bravery award in death match. If u add bravery award in death match it gonna be 500K on merchants less people will go to bowl while its already a ghost town. For the rest good ideas goodjob ragnar @theChaos
  5. The coupon is 25m. And if those newbies enter they will just lose and ruin everything for others. And also if u put a np limit it stops people from afking with 4 multi client accounts like this Luzifer idiot did to my bdw. Get some pk gear get 25-50k nps for the limit so u can fight well like rest of the server which is not a gb seller easy as that.
  6. Please make a np limit for joining this event. Its kinda annoying that stupid people like this animal below: https://professionalko.com/?page=char&id=luzifer can enter the border defense wars no items , no skills , afks for 5 minut because he is probably busy ruin other people border defense wars with his multi client with another goblin set bp. Do something about it because its very annoying while we are tryharding for to win and there is a goldbar farmer ruin everything for everyone. Thanks in advance.
  7. For me as a warrior its completely fixed now @nikos32 Im not so sure what Markus meant with the priest i haven't heard anything from my priests yet. But we can ask them maybe. @whoisnext25 @SirJhon
  8. Mate could you use a different name? Everyone thinks you are me.
  9. Had a bad start with Celestia cuz of few of his clan members. But when i learn to know him its a gg person very helpfull and friendly. And respect for him for keep on playing Battle Priest which is the weakest class on PK. GG Wp nice video mate @mireska
  10. After a enemy warrior uses his descent i lose target on him even if he uses a short range descent(Still in attack range) its very annoying because i have to re select him after he descents or gets teleported. please fix this bug.
  11. On debuffs yes, without debuff no. I think this server is most tankiest i've played so far.
  12. @nikos32can you reduce movement speed of Rainbow goblin. It seems that if you are a sin the chance of getting inside is alot bigger. I notice as a warrior or priest or mage u cant hit as much with R as the sin does with light feet.
  13. So first they were badass in colony zone chats and now crying to the admin about something you started?
  14. U can easily nation transfer to human and not see my messages anymore. Also what works out is to stop talk trash to anyone so nobody have to call u a dog like i did today. And then im not talking just to you but all of GamblerS since u guys are pretty toxic. Oscar apologised today to Bhromka and said that TheLegendary destroy GamblerS at 8vs8 and begged him for make me stop talking facts about how bad and pathethic the GamblerS clan is and i stopped typing and after that u make a stupid topic about it the only one that continues some drama in here is you atm. @MaDxQ
  15. You guys wrote bad things at TheLegendary, also ur clan called me a holland gay + said u guys were the best at this game so i told u to go human whats wrong with this? You guys wrote insults at me in king notices and got muted for it: https://gyazo.com/ff5d7ae803de4dc75dd9f7a67bd343e2 https://gyazo.com/bd85ed7629f8fc2bb065e392ea06ee5b
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