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Everything posted by nikos32

  1. there was 1 that I missed, I am sorry about that and thanks for reporting, does HWoT have any worth ? if not, then we could exchange it with a random PUS item from the CR rewards pool.
  2. Restored, open and close PUS and then Priest Cap (+6) will appear in your inventory.
  3. You can craft Elemental ROC/ROL with them via Anvil.
  4. Added signup UIs for FT, BDW and JM events. Castle Siege War has been released. It will take place every Sunday at 22:00 Server Time (UTC+3). Added NP and LP limits for registering to participate in Forgotten Temple, Border Defense War, and Juraid Mountain events. Added Isiloon boss to Colony Zone and Ronark Land. Added CS Voucher as a drop item to Lesath, excluding the boss summoned through master summon scrolls. Corrected some item name typos. Corrected some TIP notifications in ES version where the full message was not being displayed. Removed master items from CR rewards. Replaced all ranking NPCs in Moradon with a single Hall of Fame NPC for each side, displaying character names via UI texts instead of NPC names. Reduced the movement speed of the Rainbow Goblin. Prevent monument blessing rewards for dead characters. Disallow the use of the speed up buff skill, which is activated by consuming Runes of Ultima, in the Deathmatch event zone. Capes and clan symbols are now visible at maximum distance when the extended visibility option is activated. Fixed an issue where the buff bar would go offscreen when positioned close to the left edge of the screen and multiple buffs were activated. The buffs are now removed in reverse order when the buff bar is positioned at the left edge of the screen, starting from the right side instead of the normal direction. This way it will continue to stick to the left side of the screen instead of moving around arbitrarily. Fixed a rare client crash (special thanks to KAMASUTRA for bringing it to our attention). Fixed an official bug where the Friend List was missing two names per page on the 9th, 10th, 17th, and 18th registrations. Fixed an issue where clicking on Exit in the Private Arenas lobby would cause the game state to be stuck in the loading screen indefinitely, resulting in the client eventually shutting down. Fixed a bug where attempting to move items to or from the inn hostess while the character was moving caused left click to become unresponsive to UI elements, requiring players to relog as the only solution. Fixed an issue with the Bravery Awards in bowl caused by our last server updates. Fixed the issue of random character stuns/locks occurring when nearby characters' flying skills (such as arrow skills) would fail due to the character being moved to town or teleported away, in addition to our previous live patch addressing this issue.
  5. We shouldn't judge whether he did the right or wrong thing by reporting this. Randomly using disrespectful language like that isn't okay, but it's not enough for me to give him a strike. @MaDxQ If you can share another screenshot where he says something similar, he will get a strike. P.S. Those involved in this drama have currently received a strike in game as well, however their strike will be lifted once unmuted.
  6. the problem is, it was not our fault either, it was pure luck that it occurred yesterday, but hopefully this is permanently fixed, so we're glad that this was addressed within 30 minutes of server's restart and not hours after it. but on the other hand, we really can't do much about the 30 minutes loss, there were hundreds of connected users at that time who experienced the same issue as you.
  7. can you be more specific on why you could not loot it ? obviously you could open the box, but there must have been a reason (an error on chat/info) about it.
  8. Did you (or party members) have auto loot scroll or gold prem's auto loot active ? when did this occur (server time) ?
  9. There have been improvements made about this during the last server maintenance.
  10. You used Blessed Upgrade Scroll to upgrade Rogue Chitin Shell Pauldron(+7) from +7 to +8 at 09:26:25 and then you used Blessed Enchant Scroll(Dex) (High Class Item) to upgrade Rogue Chitin Shell Gauntlet(+7) at 09:26:32
  11. what makes you believe that this person does not give a captcha answer though ?
  12. Sadly, data between 19:30 and 20:05 cannot be restored, not just for you but for everyone.
  13. Added right-click support for inn-hostess. By right-clicking on items, you can now automatically move them between your inventory and the inn hostess. Improved the anti-AFK system to prevent event participants from being detected as AFK upon relog or while waiting for the event to start. Resolved the issue of eslant users being randomly kicked out to moradon for being AFK while they were not. Resolved some BDW party formation issues which had been uncovered after the activation of the anti-AFK system. Fixed a coin overflow issue when trading a high amount of coins. Fixed a party looting issue in Caitharos arena. Fixed an official bug where the animation speed of casting skills would randomly speed up or slow down. This was mostly noticeable with priests casting their skills, and rogue skills such as hide and cure curse, in slow motion. Fixed an official bug where the cooldown of casted skill would randomly reset. (confirmation pending) This was mostly noticeable with mage aoe skills. Applied npc/player/effect visibility and overall fps performance optimizations. Skills such as minor heal will no longer cause screen stutters when spammed. Removed the previously added delay on info chat. Fixed an issue where the client would randomly freeze for extended period of time, eventually resulting in the client shutting down. The handling of the effects limit has been improved, and now the limit set in the options editor is properly applied. Fixed far away NPCs or players visually bugging out. Fixed some official bugs causing client crashes or players not being shown when loading into Moradon, in addition to our previous patch addressing this issue. Fixed an official bug where the input text in a PM would reset when a new PM was received, causing the active text being typed to be lost. Added the Personal Weapons to NPC [Exchange] PK Stones. Added the Master Bosses package (x10) to Power-UP Store. The amount of Rhodium required for crafting mage rings has been reduced from 3 to 1. inn-hostess NPC'ye sağ tıklama desteği eklendi Üzerinizdeki itemlere sağ tıklayarak, artık bunları otomatik olarak envanter ve inn hostess arasında taşıyabileceksiniz. Eslanttaki oyuncuların AFK olmadıkları halde rastgele moradona gönderilme sorunu çözüldü. Anti-AFK sisteminin etkinleştirilmesinden sonra meydana gelen bazı BDW parti sorunları giderildi. Yüksek miktarda para transferi yaparken para taşması problemi düzeltildi. Caitharos arenasında parti loot sorunu düzeltildi. Skillerin animasyon hızının rastgele hızlanmasını veya yavaşlamasına sebep olan resmi bir hata giderildi. Bu, çoğunlukla priest skillerinde ve rogue skillerinde (hide ve cure curse) gerçekleşiyordu. Kullanılan yeteneklerin bekleme süresinin rastgele sıfırlanmasına neden olan bir hata düzeltildi. (geri dönüş bekleniyor) Bu, çoğunlukla mage aoe skillerinde fark edildi. npc/player/efekt görünürlüğü ve genel fps optimizasyonları yapıldı. minor heal gibi skiller spam yapıldığında artık ekranda takılmalara neden olmayacak. skill olarak bilgi ekranına önceden eklenen gecikme kaldırıldı. Clientin uzun süre sonra rastgele donmasına ve sonunda kapanmasına neden olan bir sorun giderildi. Efekt limiti iyileştirildi ve artık editörde ayarlanan limit düzgün bir şekilde uygulandı. Uzaktaki NPC'lerin veya oyuncuların görsel olarak dışarı çıkması düzeltildi. Bu problemi ele alan önceki patche ek olarak, moradon yüklenirken clientin çökmesine veya oyuncuların gözükmemesine neden olan bazı hatalar giderildi. Bir PM'deki giriş metninin, yeni bir PM geldiğinde sıfırlanıp yazılmakta olan aktif metin yazısının kaybolmasına neden olan resmi bir hata giderildi. [Exchange] PK Stones NPC'ye Personal Weaponlar eklendi. Master Boss paketi (x10) PUS'a eklendi. Mage yüzükleri yapmak için gereken Rhodium miktarı 3'ten 1'e düşürüldü.
  14. It was sold to NPC, not deleted. Magic Shield Scroll has been restored to your inventory.
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