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Posts posted by abett

  1. @Oxijeansen farklı bi olaydan bahsediyorsun. Dediğin bahçe farmı mafyalaşmış, delos mafyalaşmış, eslant slotları mafyalaşmış. Bunları biliyorum ama bunlar en fazla getiri sağlanan yerler. Zaten bahçe farmında anlattığın sistem yüzünden dolaylı olarak pk dönmüyor yine benim dediğime çıkıyor. Ne kadar slot basan tipler olsa da genelde aoc slotu ve dolayısıyla cardinal slotu basılıyor ancak tw de hobgoblinde ağaçlarda kasanlara ya da fosil farmı yapanlara bu kadar karışılmıyor. İlla ki gelip farmer kesmeye çalışan tipler de var ama tam da senin dediğin sebepten yani iş paraya döndüğünden insanlar o kadar da birbirlerine karışmıyorlar. Benim dediğim şey zaten farmerların kesilmesi de değil. Tekrar okursan yazıyı bi kaç kez kesilmekten yana bi sıkıntım yok. Benim derdim 17 kez üst üste kesme azmi gösteren arkadaşlar ve oturup kalkınca vs atmayıp oturan adama dalan 3 tane aç. Uskoda pk nın ortasında değilsen oturup kalkan adama dalmıyorlar, 2 taraf ta hazırlanıp vs atıyorlar 

  2. @Oxijeanusta gülmüşsün de uskoda bu işler böyle yürüyor yani. pk nın ortasında dahi adam otur kalk yaptığı zaman dalmıyorlar. farmerlara ellemeyen tonlarca insan var. Burada player eksikliğinden kaynaklı bi açlık var. Pk dönmeyince herkes bulduğu adama yapışıp öldürmek için götünü yırtıyor sanırım ama oturan adamı ha kesmişsin ha kesmemişsin yani. yanında sen de otursan anlaşsanız vs atarsınız oyun keyifli hale gelir yani ne bileyim

  3. Since there are no mage teams anymore, almost noone plays mage. Everyone has mage but they are just for farming. Just because they are just only farming we cant put so many items on them so they are just easy target for sins. It is hard to farm with mages. Maybe you can just increase at least staff damage to resist agains rogues. Also because mages are easy targets at fragments, sins always leave the bowl and go to kill them. This effects the activity in bowl and noone wants it. If mages get stronger a bit maybe you can encourage solo mage players also. There are also so few bp and almost no mages. Only sins and warriors. I just realized archeres are also weak. It is so hard to kill someone solo as archer.

  4. 3 kişi arasına girip ölüyorum diye yakınmak saçma değil mi ya ? kendini o 3 kişinin yerine koysana bi. 3 kişi partidesiniz ve 1 kişiyi kesemiyorsunuz...

    rogue zaten utility konusunda açık ara her şeye sahip olan bi job. e bi de ctrl minorunuz var maşallah priestten fazla can basıyorsunuz. bi de bu scream ice lr sadece rogue için geçerli değil ki. mage ve priest ile oynuyorum ben onlara da gayet seri şekilde tutuyor ve tutması da lazım yani.

  5. Hello guys, I want to talk about 2 topics and if you share your opinnions after reading this, i appreciate it. 

    1 - I played in usko to, there are some rules that unwritten. For example, if someone sits down, you dont hit him. If he sits down multiple times and hit you with r, that means he is looking for vs but in this server when i sit, invisible sin appears near me and 2 warrior jumps on him and attack me when im sitting. WTFFF ??? . Is this fun or you need np ? I just dont get it.

    2 - If you attack someone and couldnt kill him  you ran away (which is ok), but why are you coming back when you see him fighting with another or idk fighting with atros ? I also believe this is not fun. I am sure all of you are playing this game for so long and you got so many kills since today, i believe you shouldnt be that greedy when u see someone you can kill.

    3 - Lets say you started a vs with someone and realized you will die. I understand if you run away but you shouldnt come back with full hp. If you want to try again you should die and come again otherwise its just dishonesty i believe. 

    4 - About farming... Almost everyone who is farming constantly have a different farming char and we all know that these chars are not the best especially compare to our mains. I understand there are few players in cz and you are looking for pk or kills idk but i believe there should be a manner and respect. I understand these cz area is open to fight but this is a pvp server guys. Ofc I wont farm in eslant :) Repeating that I understand this cz area is open to fights but let me tell you a story.

    I have a mage who has 2.8k hp with 1500 hp buff. Everytime i go farm some sin comes and kills me. I completely understand it. Then i go back to slot and he kills me again. This is also ok. I go again, i sit many times, he kills me again which is also still ok. Then i wait. Sin goes to somewhere else and i go back farming but that sin knows i returned farming and come again kill me and wait for me. I kill him somehow, he comes back. Because he knows i have 3k hp he can one shot me. I dont believe this is fun for noone, even for sin... I am okay dying with mage many times but if you killing me 10 times in 15mins there is no point at doing this. Why are you doing this. For fun? For NP? I just don understand idea.



    • Haha 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, ishidax6 said:

    hi Bro,

    I recommend you make hybrid bp + support. Here I attach you my stats when I am hybrid bp.

    STR 219

    INT 128

    HP 90

    For set weaponn and armor , I recommend you user II+8 or Exc II+8, dual imir ring+1 and mix of 2nd and 3er clothes set +7. I recomend you try to have 3K HP to ensure more.


    hi bro, thank you for advice. Currently im playing as,




    so i have so many hp but my damage is low now. maybe you tell me your ingame nick and tell me the details

  7. Hello guys, I'm a battle priest and i want to talk to you about few subjects.

    1 - I have a +7 black set, +1 ft set, dual lillime, dual roc and i have only 500 defence. This is like a joke. I'm like a paper. I know you will say you can heal urself but think about it. I can only heal myself when im standing still and i cant attack even if im a priest but rogue can heal themselves while attacking and walking also game provides ctrl minor for them so they heal more than me. Rogue, warrior have 1k defence and i have only 500 with FULL +7 BLACK SET. 

    2 - Because bp's are like a paper, they cant find room in parties. When pk happens, people want all melee and 2 priests. Bp is neither priest nor attacker. I understand it is more like a solo character but maybe with little bit of deffence buff we can find room in parties.

    3 - Bp dont have a poison damage weapon so we cant use foverins as rings. Other elemental damage rings have so little defence. Bp cant afford to equip them. We can only equip roc or ol. Even if I believe it is soon for BDW rings it is a huge buff for battle priests.

    4 - For last, this class' name is battle PRIEST. We have a skill that heal us or anybody. When we use our skills in vs we are not cheating :D we have 500 def and you have 1k. We already dont db u in vs. If we dont heal ourselves it is not fair for us. In all games priests, shamans, healers, can heal themselves but ive never seen a asasin character with a healing skill. This is already nonsense. Rogues have all the utilities

    4.1 - They can run fast (should have)

    4.2 - They can be invisible (should have

    4.3 - They can see invisible people (acceptable)

    4.4 - They can cure ( wtf how can they cure ? they are not healers. )

    4.4 - They can heal also they have ctrl minor in this server!!! ( this is totally nonsense for an archer or sin)

    4.5 -They are also not squishy. They have burst damage but they are not squishy at all. Standart rogue with +7 shell set has 1k deffence and bp with full black set +7 has 500 deffence.


    I believe battl priests need buff. I'm not saying remove the minor from rogues but battle priests are weak. The whole game is already set up on playing together with other players. Bp is the most efficient character for solo players. If battle priests gets a buff, it would be good for solo players.

    Thank you for reading, please share your opinnions.



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