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some uniques give bonus it wont give anything to classes 
Giga =Dex bonus 
sherion =Str bonus 
Ronstaff =Dex bonus 
Hell breaker = Int bonus 
Dark vane = -hp -mp bonus 
Lugias = Dex bonus  
Those bonusses should change to what  class need

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Some of the bonusses are meant for some technical stuff. Like dex on weapons give higher chance for a skill to not miss or fail. Negative hp and mp bonusses in dark vane are to sacrifice hp mp to gain more dex. And int bonus on hellbreaker is quite good for bps since battle priests dont have good mana pool. Sherion str bonus is useful for carrying more cures and pots. They are mostly for utility features. Uniques are uniques because they carry some unique setbacks and bonusses. It is all about preferance. Like do you need more damage or would you like to carry 3 more cures? Sometimes it is quite vital. Your skills failing a lot? Dex bonus on giga makes sure you dont miss that much. 

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Those items are unique you cant farm from dark mares or any mobs all day it should be unique. About sherion nobody cares buy 2x cc more from npc since there is premium pots its useless , Dark vane is good weapon but - bonus is so bad for 72 cap server ,Dex bonus is nothing for warrior or any other class but sin.And nobody care about int on hell breaker. 


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On 1/3/2024 at 6:37 PM, Fawkes said:

some uniques give bonus it wont give anything to classes 
Giga =Dex bonus 
sherion =Str bonus 
Ronstaff =Dex bonus 
Hell breaker = Int bonus 
Dark vane = -hp -mp bonus 
Lugias = Dex bonus  
Those bonusses should change to what  class need

Dexterity, in general, effects the success rate of the failing skills. It doesn't guarantee the success drastically but more like a contributor of the equation, seemingly a minor one. Dexterity bonus on Gigantic axe is also serving that purpose; slightly increases the success rate of skills like leg cut and scream but has no effect on skills like Howling sword or Blade dancing which are no-failure skills already. So, in theory, a Gigantic axe or Lugias spear wielder warrior must have been able to slow/stun their opponents more frequently then a Raptor or Totamic spear wielder warrior. But the effectiveness of that small amount of dexterity may not be able to ''felt'' with the current equation. Same goes to ''Lobo hammer'' too for the priestess; it's additional dexteriy bonus should help their success rate of casting their skills but it doesn't effectively.

Let's assume two warrior builds and compare them theorically. A warrior with 255+ 100 dex bonusses and uses Gigantic axe +8 and compare it with a classic warrior build with 255 + 100 str. The successs difference of those pre-mentioned skills would most propably will be 1-2% high with the dexterity built warrior. So that additional ''dexterity'' bonus serving a purpose surely but it won't be effective as intented in the first place. The frustrating thing is those weapons are in ''unique'' class and their additional bonuses are effectively useless with the current equation/mechanics. Since it is not practical to change the whole equations of the game we better re-arrange the bonuses or basic attack powers of those weapons and make them usefull again, since they are really good designed, worthy, loved and desired ''unique'' weapons already.

''Dark vane'' is another example here. All assasin skills are ''failable'' in design. Its the basic dexterity point that prevent assasin skills to be failed completely or more frequently. The design of that weapon got shapened around this logic so an assasin sacrifices its health, mana pool ( and attack power if wielded dual ) but gains more success with the skills like Spike, cut etc. by maximizing Dexterity points. Since the dexterity point doesn't effect the success rate as intented this sacrifice falls purposeless and that ''unique'' weapon stuck in emptiness. With the current mechanics there is no point using Dark Vane at all. If we are insist to put that weapon into the game with these bonusses then we are spending our data base for nothing and frustrating the users; erase it.

My suggestion is to modify those beautiful weapons into something meaningful like adding AP and/or effective bonuses and make them alive again. These weapons are graphically well designed weapons. Their shapes and appereances are casting good vibes and calling good memories in the users minds and hearts. I don't mean to make those weps modify hugely and turn them into something OP but making them something ''desired'' and ''meaningfull' again with some little touches. For example; Dark Vane's base damage could be same with the Shard, Gigantic axe's dexterity bonus can be changed into STR or Ron's staff's Dex bonus to additional elemental damages etc.

There is an opportunity in this topic to make this server to show its' quality with such little effort by leaning on minor details ;) 

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