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Everything posted by Toredo

  1. Brooo, Thats nuts! People cannot farm with 1 char and u pking with 2 Best pk video by far
  2. The price of the essence is according to the normal BF rings prices. For example if Foverin is 15GB the Poison essence is 3 Gb each. Now if i kill growmaster and negative enough times to collect the required essences i need (5) to make and old bf ring instead of sell the essences and buy a normal one i will be probably the dumbest person alive. And all this, i have to do it while the respawn time for every boss is random except from these 2 (for some reason) and partys are camping cause they know the times. It is very complicated from the players side and not beginner friendly. Regards.
  3. im talking about the essences, 5? thats way too many for an old bf ring lol and then what? 30% upgrade rate to normal? so you might spend 15 essences and in the end you wont have the ring? it make no sense at all 15 essences is like 3 normal BF rings do the math.
  4. so in order to make an old bf ring we need to melt 1 normal?
  5. What im saying is to make is 100% on elemental cause its just 30% atm and maybe increase the amound of essence required to make it a bit harder. 3xROL/3xROC (+0) and 1x Elemental Essence will produce ROL or ROC with 10 elemental damage Please note the success rate is 30% 3xROL/3xROC (+1) and 1x Elemental Essence will produce ROL or ROC with 14 elemental damage Please note the success rate is 30%
  6. +1 on this or even 01:00 for FT and and 24:00 for JR and like that there are 3 full hours of PK Between 21:00-24:00
  7. You have spent in total 100 gbs for your mage so far while warriors/rogues needs at least 500gbs to fight against you. half of the mages nowdays they play mage cause is cheap to gear up and easy to farm and sell gbs. For 2 months mages are playing with basic gear that they get on day 1. and now its time to pay 40 gbs for 2 rings that will increase your damage even more and thats sound too much to you? Talk about anything but dont mention Gold bars and how expensive the things are. Overall i do think that Base damage should be boost slightly on all classes. 500dmg while people are running with 8k i think is a bit low.
  8. All i suggested was a simple thing that will avoid this kind of behavior in the future, its not a rule or affecting the way somebody plays. i'm not complaining about something, im trying to find a solution instead of trying to change the persons attitude. And to answer to your example, if we were living in a world that stealing and killing is not a crime then yes we would have way more thiefs and murderers. Thats why we apply rules for everyone and still you can see there are people killing and stealing, thats why we 'lock our houses' to keep us safe from them. The ethics ,morals and perspective of each person are different.
  9. I think you should change the rate to 100% on elemental only if its +0 since not many people tries to make it since last launch. Keep 30% to +1 with 30% rate on elemental as the rest of the upgrades. like that you can choose Rocs as a cheaper (and a bit weaker) option to bdw rings if you think thats too easy add some extra essense, for example 2 on +0 and 5 on +1.
  10. I agree 100% on this. Mainy i was against the ban simple cause its never been mention here or on any other servers i played that this kind of strategy they followed is bannable. Tbh there are more assasins individuals or from big clans that were able to get there and attack the crystal but it didnt happen for them to do the last hit. If i was able on warrior to reach the crystal that means that more people had the opportunity to do so. if any other person did the last hit we wouldnt be here now to disguss about it I guess that was not the 1st time they tryed something like this but this time it happend to work for them. My suggestion would be for the csw to lock the gates permanent after somebody destroys the crystal and the only way to get in is to use ladder or break the gates. in other hand i would suggest to give a strike to people when you think something they do is wrong or unethical and not ban them without warning as long as there is no official rule.
  11. Just to get it right. If we winning the castle we are not allowed to open the gates for our ally clan? what if we are 60 people and we need to have 2 clans ? only 1 clan gets to go in? most of the clans big or small have another clan as an ally on csw war since the beginning of the game and that was never an issue. Lift the bans and give them a strike. There shouldnt be a punishment since there is no Official rule about it.
  12. They have 15 elemental without str bonus and Foverin has 12elemental with 5 str If everything had 15elemental and 5 str nobody would bother to make BDW rings just for the Ressist.
  13. Not sure what you mean by non-agro, maybe if u just pass next to them dont attack you, but try and use a skill on 1 of them and then you'll see how many friends it has On Sloth spot you attack 1 Sloth and out of nowhere you have next to you a Greed and an Envy attacking you while their spot is on the other side of the road. My Suggestions are. 1. To decrease the amount of mobs inside bowl. Maybe 1 or 2 Ego-Glutton-Wrath on each side of bowl (12-3-6-9) with an insta respawn time. 2.Same for Sloths spot. 1-2 spots of Sloth-Lust for each side ( human-orc ) 3.Remove Envy and Greed. This should only be in Bifrost with a high chance of items through gems. (Atm apart of Ultima there is no other reason to go) 4.Make all the bifrost mobs properly Non Agro. 5.Put +3 items on DM,Mini Dm and Titan since the CZ Bifrost frags gives you +3. Not worth to farm anything else apart of bifrost mosters atm.
  14. you making 3-4 gbs at least each evening if u sell pk stones/trina and silver bars from 75kills. Mages farm while pking and u know that better than anyone else with 1mil nps char
  15. I do agree about the farmers they will get in with more than 1 account but its just 2 times a day and With R attack only and im not sure how many people in ft 68? it shouldn't be a big issue. what i was thinking is that this might help the prices to get more reasonable with some extra wings around. overall i like both ideas for DM and FT.
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