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Proposal for Balancing Player Distribution in the Bowl Area at Night

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Hello fellow adventurers,

I've been observing a noticeable imbalance in player distribution between the Human and Karus factions during nighttime in the Bowl area. Often, the number of Human players significantly outweighs Karus players, sometimes as drastically as 20-40 Humans to virtually no Karus presence. This disparity not only makes the gameplay challenging and less enjoyable for those switching to the Karus side but also negatively impacts the dynamics of night events and party formations.

Proposed Solutions:

  1. Incentives for Playing Karus at Night:

    Could we consider introducing some form of incentives for players to either switch to the Karus side or encourage more Karus players to participate during nighttime? This could be in the form of experience boosts, unique drops, or other rewards that make playing the underrepresented faction more appealing.
  2. Dynamic Damage Bonus System:

    Another approach could be to implement a dynamic damage bonus system that adjusts based on the player ratio present in the Bowl. For example, if there's a significant imbalance, such as 40 Humans vs. 1 Karus, the Karus player(s) could receive a temporary damage boost of +50% or even +100%. This would be calculated through a fair and effective formula to ensure the bonus is proportional and only active during times of clear imbalance.This system aims to discourage one-sided gameplay by empowering the underrepresented side, making it more appealing for players to engage during off-peak hours. Such a mechanism would also deter players from switching accounts just to exploit incentives, as the benefits would be dynamically linked to real-time gameplay conditions.

Potential Concerns:

nikos32 raised a valid point about the possible implications of allowing players to login with secondary accounts to exploit these incentives. To address this, we might consider linking rewards or bonuses to account-specific metrics that reflect genuine gameplay efforts rather than momentary switches.

Furthermore, while some players are skeptical about the impact on traditional gameplay dynamics (e.g., boss farming), the goal here is to enhance the overall experience by providing fair competitive conditions and maintaining engaging gameplay during all hours.

This proposal is open for discussion, and I welcome all your thoughts and suggestions on how we can further refine these ideas to better balance the game environment. Your input is crucial, and with your help, we can ensure a more enjoyable and equitable experience for everyone.

Thank you for considering this suggestion and looking forward to your feedback!

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