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Posts posted by RnzARCHER

  1. The damage of arrow shower, multiple shot and dark pursuer skills will be slightly increased.

    anti-macro/bot protection will be updated to reduce the casting failures of arrow shower and multiple shot combo from legit players.

    ice and lighting shot skills will be added and their casting range will be reduced in half.

    My question It is the following, which of all these points can be improved in the current patch, or was this simply left up in the air? Yesterday I asked about the archer update, and he told me that today it will be I was updating... In short, can I do something or do we just wait? 

  2. 8 minutes ago, nikos32 said:

    I didn't understand your question, but it fixes the issue of arrow shower spending MP but not dealing damage.

    Updated the anti macro/bot protection for arrow shower and multiple shot skills.  (This means that the anti-cheat bot was edited so that the goalkeeper does not have a problem) or will everything remain the same? 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Shady Boss said:

    please remember, archer has a 1 second cool down on light feet already, please dont buff them to much.

    Ice / Light shot never belonged in MYKO, they where released with ROFD and Ronark Land Base. 

    I agree with you, they should put the normal light feet, so the assassins and archers can fall faster, 100% agree with you 

  4. 30 minutes ago, GLaDiaToR888 said:

    Is there an issue with our character freezing when archers are around either attacking or literally just near by?

    I've been having this issue a lot lately and it only make sense with the archer class being used more often now.

    Character freezes for about 3 seconds, unable to use minor or move at all during the time and I'm not the only one having this issue.

    Please check on it @nikos32

    P.S Will there be any update on Boroo,Titan,Dm's in the near future? 

    the same thing happens to me I'm running, I press the control key CTRL AND USE THE ANTICLICK for me minor, I'm running and out of nowhere it stops, I thought it was me or me, but I see that there are several that happen to them ... thanks for your information 

  5. 5 hours ago, haze said:

    skyyyy you look like a parrot repeating what I said putting against me, I already said that the archer in combo of 3 and 5 arrows was strong he had good damage I said it a month ago and I said it a while ago, in this you are contradicting Leticia that he was not satisfied with the damage of 3 and 5 arrows, and why I use imba as a reference because he is one of the few assassins who does vs to the archer without moving, this video is a vs with kean93 this is an example I did it now , it was obvious that I would die if I get the last pot of HP maybe he would die, but see the difference

    set +8, two haded sword +8, wings of war, I Belt, A Necklace, duo minotauro earring +1, duo bdw ring, scrolls 2k, acc350 vs

    set +7, iron bow +8, wings of baba, FT Necklace +0, skeleton belt 0 anti-sword, wings of baba, duo hr +0, duo forevin, scrolls 1.5k, acc300


    With this you continue to contradict Leticia with her claim of the damage of the arrows and the attack speed of the arrows 3 and 5, if they carry out their compliment of Leticia as you say no one on the server will be able to do against an OP archer

    You say about accessories and damage that the archer does per second, in which server has the archer not had good damage? The archer has always had good damage in 3 and 5 arrows, this is balanced with the speed of the shot and heals with HP pot, while despite the fact that everyone uses a skeleton belt, the assassin in 1 second drops 1000 + 200 + 700 + 180 and heals with minor

    you keep making the group comparison, not all your life you will see archers in groups of 7, that happens only in peak hours of the pk, skill 70 is not useful to kill someone who fights on the move either 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2, the shot of the arrow is slow and it is not useful to finish off a player who escapes from the vs with little life, well it would be if he hit 600 at the same speed as a warrior, something that will not happen, his criticisms are more fired at number of archer playing at the same time in a given time

    why don't you use your imagination that you are hunted by 3 assassins that kill you in less than 1 second or a good attack of 7 warriors, the archers are always annoying in this server and in all the other servers, you are not going to change that, it's funny when you use reference 550 - 650 when the arrows do a pure damage of 350 - 650, do your multiplications 7 x 350 = joke

    The archer in a party is annoying when you neglect them or do not pay attention to them, but what happens if you face them using your intelligence, the group of archers will die when ambushed by a party, the ice and lightning arrows will be of short distance for not be easily used by archers that hit 40km away, in case other modifications can be made such as increasing the charging time or reducing the effect of its power, although in this server they are all equipped with full resistance in particular the priests



    Pones un vídeo de un warrior , que no sabe usar el "S" el prácticamente ni se movió quiso tankear y obvio que las 5-3 flechas le vana golpear , ahora le puedes eso a un asesino ? Tu sabes que no puedes la veces que yo fui asesino , y  usted quiso hacer un vs , yo estaba full HP Y YO  haciendo del redball  , entonces no comparemos un warrior con un asesino , EN EL PROFESSIONAL KO EL ARQUERO NUNCA HA TENIDO LIGHT O ICE ? Y YO DIJE SI DESEAN BAJEN EL DAÑO DEL 70 , O SI DESEAN DEJARLO AHI , PERO AGREGAR FLECHA ICE Y LIGHT ? NUNCA FUE LA INTENCION EN EL POST QUE SE HIZO DEL ARQUERO , SOLO SE HABLO  DEL 5-3ARROW  Y DEL DAÑO DE ESAS FLECHAS, AHORA ACA LA MAYORIA QUE VIENE DE OTRO SERVIDOR DONDE SE COMBINA EL DAÑO ELEMENTAL DE LAS ARMAS SABEN QUE LAS FLECHAS 5-3 SON MAS EFECTIVAS QUE LAS DE SKILL 70 , ASI QUE USA TU SENTIDO COMUN SI LA MAYORIA DEL SERVIDOR SE ESTA QUEJANDO DE ARCHER Y DE SU GENIAL COMBO DE (Z+SKILL) EN GRUPO Y ABURRIR AL SERVIDOR , YA QUE MOLESTA MUCHO A LOS PARTY WARRIOR , PARTY MAGO , ENTONCES POR QUE DEJARLOS CON LLS SKILLES. DE ICE Y LIGHT , NO CREES QUE SERIA MUY OP ? AHORA SI PIDES FLECHA DE LIGHT O ICE , POR QUE TAMBIEN NO RECOMIENDAS QUE SE DEVUELVA EL CD DEL LIGHT FEET ? Así te das cuenta si el archery está mucho sin ice y light arrow , imagínate con esos SKILLES abierto, por eso ahí que ser más apáticos con los demás jugadores , si se arregla el cast del combo y el fallo que tiene de las 5-3 flechas 





  6. 2 hours ago, haze said:

    -if an archer does more damage it is for 2 reasons, 1st reason most players prefer to use skeleton belt that does not have anti-bow defense instead of using forgotten belt, the 2nd reason if they enter the page they will see that the clan vallhalla 95% of its members use a full DEX accessory that can add from +30 to +39 extra DEX, the idea of the archers who play in groups is to have the highest possible damage as soon as if they are ambushed the archers will die instantly , that was already seen when 2 archers party were careless of an invisible assassin the warriors used blink on the assassin and the 2 archers party went to the ground

    -Regarding the way archers with skill 70 play, they are free to play as they please, I see some who say: archers only play z + kills, right? is it a full pk server where multiple teams face each other, that warriors don't z + kill? that the assassins already incorporated in the combat do not do z + skill? If you are in the bowl, what you are going to see the most is z + kill from all the characters or they want to send an archer to kill with 3 and 5 arrows without a range within a duel of 50 vs 50 players who use full Z + skills

    -the number of archers increase in the server is still lower than the number of warriors, assassins and magicians in the peak hour of the PK, 1 or 2 archer parties in the peak hour does not make a difference, apart from the archer party only this playing 1 hour a day not 24 hours

    -A group of archers can be annoying, and what group can't? the same can be a group of invisible assassins, a group of warriors with blink, a group of wizards with novas, anyone who is in a group can be annoying, only archers and wizards will always go together apart from that they always walk in large numbers, They can bother from a distance, but they are an easy target if they are hit, they do not need to lower the damage to the archers' skill 70 any more, if they kill, that is exactly why they are 1 or 2 parties, the same would happen with 2 parties of pure warriors or 2 parties of invisible assassins if they stick together as archers will kill anyone

    -the ability 3 and 5 arrows a month ago I said it had strength despite having problems with speed and arrows that miss at a minimum distance even so you could kill back then even IMBA could die, since then all the characters use the dance combo on the archer which increased the arrow failures when using 3 and 5 arrows, even if the arrow failures are improved a little they will continue to do the dance combo on a larger scale with their high-range weapons Hence the use of the ice or lightning arrows, just like a warrior who uses short feet, the archer will be able to use his 3 and 5 arrows at least for an instant, and beware, the archers who play full skill 70 do so at maximum distance for their safety not to die since they use a full DEX accessory and for fear of the priest's debuff or being caught, the ice and lightning arrows will have a lower range so archers will not be able to use it unless exposed to danger

    Regarding the ice and lightning arrow yes or if the archer needs it, but you can reduce it to 30% or 25% of its range to prevent those who play long distance in spot from using it and to favor those who want to use it accompanied by 3 and 5 arrows or for those who expose themselves to danger

    As for increasing the damage of the skill 70, leave it as it is today, Sunday, August 21, 2022, as I said since nobody played archer, many forgot to use their forgotten belt, everyone uses a skeleton belt, good for those who have a glass belt , iron belt and wings of war, and if the archers who hit from long distance do damage it is because they are playing full DEX apart from having a good angle, since if they hit from less distance their damage would be regular, to avoid disagreement of the 2 parts don't increase him nor don't lower the damage to the skill 70, the skill works well in party, but to use it one against one it doesn't, so we leave it as it is today, since people are limiting themselves to differentiating 1 archer from 12 archers who play as a team, and the disagreement comes more from assassins who play in teams of 2 who find themselves with a party of archers and do not let them hunt, I tell them to gather a complete party of assassins and you will see how the party of archers does not go do nothing a

    Te responderé en lengua materna , en habilitar ice y light  shot , el archery quedaría muy OP , el post anterior solo era el daño de 5+3 flechas y el cd de esas flechas, nunca de habló del incremento del daño 70 , por qué si se aumenta al jugar Z+skill , obvio que será muy molesto  y fácilmente matar de lejos y si te llegan a tirar ice o light  tu priest usa  heal grupal y Town , creo que es mejor dejar el daño así como está , mira todas las quejas que tiene el archer solo por usar el Z+ skill , ahora imagínate con ice y light ,1 sola vez que le pegue el ice o el light  todas las flechas de 70 que les caerá , ahora estarías de acuerdo que se normalice el light feet ? Ponerle el cd que corresponde ? Por qué acá en proko está sin cd , yo sé que jugar Z+skill es para algunos divertidos , quizás para mí igual pero no me gusta  o no soy tan partidario de esto , por qué se que con un grupo de arqueros puedes matar de manera tan fácil y matar a un party de magos completo con styx y a party de warrior corriendo , ahora recuerda que el post anterior fue solo POR LAS FLECHAS 5-3  en ningún momento se habló de aumentar el daño 70 o abrir habilidad  de las flechas ice y light , la idea es que se balance  y yo hablé por el skill 5-3 arrow que tenía fallo de cd , por eso el anti-cheat no te dejaba Castear más rápido las flechas por eso era el fallo y también tus flechas salían pero te consumía el mana , ahora solo tratar de ser empático la idea no es tener un archer OP solo tratar de estar casi balanceado como un warrior o un mago , ojalá toda mejora para el archer sea bueno , pero está vez discrepo contigo , no por qué me caigas mal o algo por el estilo , solo ponernos en el lugar del otro , yo juego de priest , warrior y de mago y en verdad los archer Z+skill son muy cancer , a un mago le tiras dos styx y ya tienes una nova menos o si estubiera en un party warrior le das 2 styx al priest u se mueren los warrior, ahora sí tú light feet le ponen cd ? Podrás correr cuando te item ice o te corten el pie ? Por mi el archer está bien en Z+skill , pero lo que siempre dije que el combo 5-3 tiene fallos , y esos vídeos que usted puso , yo estaba en discord y en TW  con Nikos viendo el error y el creo un serve beta para ver el error , ojalá todo cambio sea bienvenido , pero acuérdate que tenemos muchas gente en contra y pocos de nuestro lado , suerte bro 

  7. 9 minutes ago, mindkrash said:

    I think only the 5-3 arrow hit detection and casting time of 70 skill should be adjusted. I hit warriors around 600 without torment, mages about 900-1k without torment. I think damage increase for the lvl 70 skill would be a bad idea. It just promotes archers to z-skill. I'm all for balancing the archer class because some people enjoy playing it and its only fair to those players.


    Also, I've seen it discussed a few times in the shout box, but I've noticed and some of my clan mates that our character randomly gets stunned in CZ. Sometimes you won't get hit by anything and your character just suddenly stops moving.

    I support the post, the post that was made was only for the 5-3 arrows and the DMG of these same arrows, adding ice and lightning arrow, it would unbalance the archer's character, it would become very OP

  8. if you make all those changes, you can return the LIGHT FEET CD, because that way the archers can die with a good ice from the support mage,example , if ice touches the rogue , he uses cure course , and he can use light feet again since he has no cd and can escape quickly , if light feet has cd it will be more difficult to escape I think it would still be valid or not? 

  9. 1 minute ago, HuckleberryFinn said:

    Oh my!

    Recently you see many full archer parties patrolling cz and destroying. Whats gonna happen after this buff?

    Hello, I think that what you say is very right, but recently a post was made, where the only request was to rectify the 5-3 combo and the damage of these same arrows, no add the lightning and ice arrow, and maybe dbuff the 70 arrow as daggeon says, 

  10. Hello Niko's, I think that the ice and lightning arrow, the archer will be very OP, the 5-3 dmg increase is fine, but I agree with daggeon, the 70 arrow needs to lower the damage a bit, Agree that the post that was made was for the combo and the damage of the 5-3 arrows, not to add the ice and lightning arrows, but it is everyone's decision, I think you should make a post with votes,Whether to add the ice and lightning arrow or not.I hope the best for the server, but I don't want everyone to complain about the archery either, hopefully it's for balance, that's my opinion 

    • ClapClap 1
  11. 1 hour ago, haze said:


    The range of the hit of a warrior and an assassin is very large enough to harm an archer's combo even more when the arrows are slow, miss or do not come out as they move away despite having that disadvantage in the game, no I understand why the archer does not cast, he does not fulfill his function of casting, he does not have ice and lightning arrows in a server where everyone plays to hit from afar, taking advantage of the range of their weapons, lately there are many archers, but they all play pure lvl skill 70 for the inability that the server gave him of not being able to play with 3 and 5 arrows, if a warrior or assassin reaches the archer the archer cannot face a warrior neither using his 3 and 5 arrow skill nor using his lvl skill 70 that its damage at close range is not enough to duel a fighter or assassin that hits with constant damage, hard and fast


    - archer does not cast

    - speed of arrows 3 and 5 is slow, if you use a proper combo the arrows miss or bug until you stop hitting

    - no ice and lightning arrow




    This is just an example, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but since the weapons have a good range both warriors and assassins can make this play ,as soon as the archer's arrows only hit 1 to 3 arrows for skill




    Regarding the speed, I don't mean that they have to adjust the speed of the arrows to the same speed that I use in the video, but at least they should increase the speed of the archer a little more to avoid that most have this error that the arrow did not come out because it exceeded a little the speed that they already have adjusted in the server, which for most archers considers it slow


    Hola haze , eso mismo le dije al GM. Y tú qué hiciste ? Solo decir que el macro no funciona ... Y prácticamente desmerecer la publicación , todo lo que has dicho o publicado en este post se lo dije al GM bro ... Cómo te digo juego de archer hace mucho tiempo y eso errores que has encontrado .. se reporto al GM , gracias por el apoyo bro, espero que cuando se arregle el arquero podamos divertirnos sin irnos a otro servidor donde está más equilibrado 

  12. Hello A while ago on an old server LIZA He stole all my game items, the server was projectko where the gm was Adam and marciuz, so how can he be such a liar and say that Latinos don't do that, he just defends Something that did it some time ago , then , if some Latinos can do that stupid thing , but they are not everyone .And Liza has a bit of ignorance, in her words and very little is understood what she wants to express, now if someone stole your articles, they should be sentenced, good luck    @Spellito

    • Thanks 1
  13. Hola , @LizaSimpson viejo en verdad dices que le rompes .culo en cz , a @Sky pero date cuenta que era un party de 8 humanos vs tu 2 party uno de warrior y tus archer por fuera , no seas ridículo bro , no te creas mejor porqué no lo eres , yo pienso que no tienes hablar estupideces o mentirte a ti mismo para ser mejor , quien eres ? Quien te conoce , si tu clan parece a de los incas , tanto que criticabas que solo pelean en ( mancha ) tu haces lo mismo , ojo no está mal lo que tú haces , pero eso no hace superior , cómo dijo tu miembro de clan CLOVIS  ese boliviano  no entra al bowl si no son 2 party , PORFAVOR traten de desviar el tema , cómo siempre digo los latinos siempre nos tiramos mierda , pero en un evento de vs ahí se ve la realidad , con misma condición de ítems y misma cantidad de jugadores , espero que cambiemos su actitud de superioridad y creer que son mejores , fíjate solo hay 2 clanes en el bowl en la hora latina , ejemplo, si hubiera más clan o party todo sería diferente , el servidor tiene mucho Bug de la cual no se soluciona de hace 4-5 años , osea si quieren un servidor bien apoyemosno entre nosotros , si nosotros prácticamente mantenemos el servidor activo ... Espero que piensen antes de hacer un post y ojalá sean para mejorar no para generar rencilla entre latinos , chaito

  14. Hahahahaha XD eres la cagada.. el.video está hecho en el muñequito por qué es la única forma que el gm puede ver el error por qué es un objeto del sistema , ahora trataré de grabar para que entiendas ... Y lo otro yo no estoy , " llorando" cómo tú llamas , por el daño ... Solo por el hit box , y el cd de las flechas ... Creo que estás muy equivocado ... Te espero en arena y ahí te explico y por privado te mando el.discord ... Y ahí hablamos bro , no hagamos un rencilla por acá ... Se ve feo que entre latinos nos tiremos cacas , si el reclamo fuera de un turco , le estarían chupando la pinga todo clan ... Por lo mismo mejor hacerlo en privado y ahí te explico que problema hay bro 

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