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Posts posted by Raspberry

  1. 13 hours ago, TheLastJ said:

    up.  ve neden human tarafta çıkıyor. Random atması taraftarıyım


    Ronark Land değişimlerinde de Rainbow Goblin Karus için avantajlı bir pozisyonda spawn oluyor, çoğu zaman Human ırkı goblini göremeden öldürülüyor.

    Daha düzgün spawn noktaları ayarlanması eğlenceli olabilir.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Steel0 said:

    You called me a bratze.. thats no way to treat someone respectfully.. you get the same and you dont like it? Do not talk to me.. you already wasted your chance to talk to me.. My expectations are reasonable  to my knowledge.. we have a vision difference.. besides you lost my respect too.. i dont wanna spend time, to people who lost their respect from me. Neither should you now leave me. 

    What do you think bratze mean ? Bratze, brate, brat means brother 🤦‍♂️ Google it if you don't know something.

    What ever you say no more replies for you. Have fun boi...

    • Haha 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Steel0 said:

    I think you misunderstood me, you didnt came and took 5 mins time to talk with me.. im ignoring ya, talk with respect or dont talk to me.. that easy.. do no quote anything i say.. mind your own business. You go your way and i go my way. Cya. 

    Ohh dear boi, you lost all the respect which is I already showed you. Don't call someone kiddo especially when they are calling you brother. I quote whatever I want and this is the only way to show to you how absurd your expectations are.


    14 hours ago, haze said:

    warrior lvl 70 or 83, always had 1 damage skill and 2 short feet + a blink, the use of the blink in pt if it is very strong you no longer need light feet just a warrior or rogue in whom to use the blink to kill, the archer at lvl 70 they only give him 1 and at lvl 83 he has 6, dark, ice, light, 2 fire, 1 combat, if this change is made now you can have an alternative to kill the archers, the warrior kills everything that be by his side and the short feet works well depending on whether you know how to do the combo, a warrior cut my feet 3 times in a row with an effect almost like the light mage's stun despite using cc and light feet properly, now to make it more extreme that the skill ice and light be used at effective range 4.00, if an archer hits only skill 70 he will never use this skill it would be as if the update was never given, but if the archer wants to use this skill he will have to be face to face with a warrior, this suicidal hunting move or you will end up hunted I think it could benefit a warrior more than an archer, this will depend on the archer if he wants to use it or not, he ice and light do not work 100% like the skill of the other characters, if the archer approaches and the effect does not come out, you put a good short feet you will have a  kill free, you will no longer see archers playing at 40.00 distance now you will see some archers hitting 4.00 away having the opportunity to put a short feet or that the assassin puts a couple of spikes knowing that the archers only play full DEX they will die instantly

    the gameplay of the priests is more support, now BP do not have short feet, they have a debuff their effect is to force them to use cc and take advantage of those seconds to kill the rogues, as to kill the rest you just need to put a debuff and be inside of his hitting range, in case the BP attracts, whoever wants to hunt him could end up hunted

    now if the change occurs or not this will depend on the gm, if happens well, if it cuts even more the effective range well, if only 1 skill is placed the ice well, if not go skill ice or light well, I'm not going to make a drama, this is just a suggestion, not a requirement

    "a warrior cut my feet 3 times in a row with an effect almost like the light mage's stun despite using cc and light feet properly" that happens most of us unluckly.

    now to make it more extreme that the skill ice and light be used at effective range 4.00" this makes archer parties a machine gun. Maybe some warriors can be a problem for you but 4 or 5 archers can easily kill all the sins, mages, battle priests if some of them try to catch you. If you guys use this on a same target at the same time successful rate would be pretty high which means the target most likely dead. You already told me that I am mixing up group pk with a solo one but this makes party pk unbalanced for the players against you. Have to be another solutions for this. Adding this kind of skill for a job does not mean it can not be used in party. Btw I am very aware of 4.00 effective range and it still pretty OP.

    So, would be the best for all of us I hope. Thanks for replying me properly.

  4. 4 hours ago, Steel0 said:

    Listen up Kiddo, neither do i have negative feelings about you, i never saw you playing as an archer,,, please expereniece it and try it yourself and then talk about it.. Stop saying non sense that my reason is not correct, even a couple of GM's i talked with confirmed that there will be some fixes arround the class mostlikly.. Archers are totaly no gods in cz, you are talking incorrect yourself. There are a lot people who don't even invite archers in their party because of the lack in attack power. We are making our own archer only party's to bundle our forcers.. I tried to explain the struggles of an archer by pm in the game, but you didn't came like a man. 

    aight "Kiddo".

    I think you are a spoiled child who wants everything. And I am quoting from your entry "Back then when i started playing, some of these kiddo's playing right now were wearing dipers.", I was playing back then too. THAT WAS NOT LIKE NOW THE THING YOU WANT THE TIME BEFORE.

    You want to have the best class in close fight, want to do solo pk, want to do huge damage output on range. And I am really tired of your expectations. Now I really don't care if archers get some upgrades or some fixes. Whatever you wish for...

    BTW I was in CZ when you typed me, I answered your pm hoping for you to understand but as I said you are a spoiled child who wants everything or not that clever to get that IDK. So I acted like a man and had other things to do than spoiling you. Sorry not sorry.

    Have fun, peace out y'all...

  5. 11 hours ago, haze said:

    you keep mixing what an archer can do in a group with what an archer can do individually, you say that the archer is already strong for using z + skill https://streamable.com/7rv9di this is the only thing that the archer can do in pk in the same way when hunting just be afk and press z + skill, only 2 fingers are used, how fun, right? skill 70 has no damage and its speed is very slow, in this video a mages vs warriors party that end up being killed 1 x 1, now the mages with their improvement can kill with massive novae and they can also kill with a pure staff https://streamable.com/q5l846 while I hit only skill 70, the damage I do to them is from 500 to 700 even using full DEX, how powerful is skill 70? an archer does not kill anything with skill 70, unless he has a complete party that plays skill 70, but that is another topic, in this post we do not suggest any improvement in skill 70, the suggestion is to give him an alternative to hunt and defend himself, the archer does not hunt anything with skill 70 and with the skills of 3 and 5 arrows he does not hunt something that is running in one direction or between obstacles, just as the magicians have skills that allow them to hunt https://streamable.com/c1q6az the assassins already have light feet to hunt and the warriors with short feet and scream to hunt and immobilize https://streamable.com/pswo27 a rich short foot with a visual error, I don't know if this happens to many or just to me since watching the video of Renzo undy pk it seems that there is no visual error on the server, this other video is a good short foot to immobilize and kill apart from the fact that I have had some problems with the arrows xD only hits 1 arrow https://streamable.com/jdr5ma others have abilities that help them hunt while the archer has simple arrows that can be easily blocked hence the suggestion to give him back his ice and light skills with an effective range setting of 6.00 making the ability to be used only one meter from his objective, the functionality is equal to that of a foot clipper or ice

    If duels were like this on the server, either stopped or with combo S, the archer disadvantages would not be abused and, as I say, everyone is free to play the way they like https://streamable.com/p6bht8 here I recognize that I am using scorpion bow with 280 HP and 60 poison resistance so enduring warrior with poison weapons could be easier, I am not going around claiming to be the best on the server and the videos that I use in this post I made them all today and they are just examples of the skills or ways of playing on the server and I am not exaggerating as an archer who makes videos pk undy 8k HP with 220 resistance poision making believe that the archer on the server is good. make a good criticism and not be responding to everything with the same answer without support: 7 archers with skill 70

    Att. Haze: si lees esto no te tomes la molestia de responder que no respondere, solo estas desvirtuando el post de la sugerencia haciendo spam sobre otros temas

    I can understand what you mean but this is so wrong to expect the all in one.

    You are saying we can not use 3-5 combo if the target moves. If you say that, then warriors can have rights to say that they can not catch rogues because of light feet if leg cut or scream doesn't work.

    And another thing, you saying 70 skill is not that good. But we sins only have 1 skill which has big damage outcome (spike) and if I am not wrong its cooldown is about 12 seconds so sins can't hit regularly. By the way archers can hit regularly 700 damage with 70 skill but sins can hit 900-1000 damage with only spike once in 12 seconds. The same thing has in warrior sitution too. I mean sins can complein about that aswell but they have "r" damages so that makes them bearable.

    Other thing is solo pking. Priests can not do solo pk because they have not lockdown skills. If they want to fight with a warrior, warrior can lock them down with leg cut or scream. If they want to fight with a mage, mage can lock them too with lighting or slow them with ice etc... Sins is pretty good in this kind of sitituations but they can not pk in bowl against melee parties because of lack of defense and hp pool.

    And that fucking "styx". God I hate that skill. This makes archers god in CZ.

    The more examples can be give.

    Please try to be reasonable. I really can get what you are saying but if a class be the best in everything why would other players prefer to play with other classes than the archer class. I want to say, all classes have their own pros and cons. At this moment archers want more.

    14 hours ago, Steel0 said:

    My text was not directed on what you said or anybody dont take it personally brother, it was something general.. please reskill and try to play archer to test it… Currently nearly all the archers are complaining, because the class didnt stood the same, then before the patch. No, it got worser to play. I already thought before i spoke and i stand behind my opinion. There are clearly some error fixes that needs to be done.. and to my opinion some new updates can be done as well. 

    Again, i do not change my mind i already thought before i spoke. 👍🏼

    And about you bratze. I don't have any negative feelings about you but the reasons you defend are not true and it does not matter if you stand behind what you say or not when the reasons are wrong.

    -----FINAL WORD-----

    Please stop want all in one.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Steel0 said:

    I totally disagree about the negativity improving the archer class, this shouldn't be a warrior only server nor a macro-minored assasin nor a mage boost only. The archer class was always part of the game since 2004/2005 (maybe earlier) when i started this game. Back then when i started playing, some of these kiddo's playing right now were wearing dipers. Since nobody is using a koxp hitting 5 arrows from miles away, what harm will it do? All classes have been boosted with better weapons, ascelon for warriors is better then raptor. The new staff for mages is better then other staffs. Assasins got better daggers. Priests got a sexy shield. But the archer class lost 70 defans with the new sarenga bow, and the AP is not overwelming. Besides all of that, the class is suddenly freezing when you get an arrow fail, which is pretty annoying...  Please reconsider, and think before you speak... do not try to extinction a complete class. I do not recommand to ruin the tradition of this game. 

    Well I recommend to you the same thing  also, think before you speak or read before you answer. As I said and I am quoting exactly the same what I wrote "They are already too powerfull for almost every other party against them evenmore some of the sins reskilling and play as archers sometimes. Because archer class is broken atm."

    There are so much players who are switching accounts and playing with archer characters because of this situtiation. An archer can hit min. 500 hp damage with basic gear and with malice they can hit 600-700. Archers are pking with atlest 7 players. Which means even if you are a warrior, they can kill you 1 by 1 with a single skill. Only if someone gets close to them maybe then they get a chance to kill archer parties. If you are not a warrior as i am, even can get close to them is not working either because 3-5 arrow combo can kill sins easily with basic gear aswell.

    That is why I am getting sick of this. Everyone is wanting to has the best class and because of this every buff they get, getting the game insufferable. By the way I am not even mentioning about stuning bug about archers. I know this is not about you and you are not abusing it but still it makes game hard to play. As a result, I definitely not recommed to buff the archer class some more. Or you guys really need another buff for archers, give us smt too. We are getting powerless.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I could not read all of the suggestions but there is something that bothers me. All classes expecting same thing that their classes will be the best.

    In the beggining of the server mages were whining about their power levels getting decreasing, they wanted to have huge damage on AOE skills as well as single target then they left the server just after the ruined game for everyone.

    Then Battle Priests, they are like unkillable. Their skills never fail while 3 sins hitting them, they have huge advantage with all debuffs and heal, they have pretty good HP and AP. And I am not even talking about the int ones.

    Now it is time for the archers. They are already too powerfull for almost every other party against them evenmore some of the sins reskilling and play as archers sometimes. Because archer class is broken atm. And they are still wanting some improvements.

    Exept the warriors (as i know), all classes got some buffs and without cheater sins even assasian class is not that good.

    All the players are wanting their classes become the most powerfull class in the game and no one cares about the balance. I think that is wrong.

    As a assasin player I want some buffs aswell but this is not a good idea I guess.

    All I want is the best KO experience for all. Have fun y'all.

    • ClapClap 1
  8. 4 hours ago, W0LFSBLUT said:

    Dikkat ediyorum da hep insanların yazdığı söylediği şeyler hakkında yorum yapıyorsun yanlışı doğruyu imaları dile getiriyorsun.
    Türkçe öğretmeni misin merak ettiğim için söylüyorum?

    Terziyim, sökük dikiyorum.


    43 minutes ago, ForumaÜyelikAlmaÇokZOR said:

    Andavalın teki işte kuyruk acısı var gelip dalaşıyor işte böyle 

    Valla evladım sadece yazım hataların değil, sorununu dile getirme şeklin ve ağladığın konular da çok salakça. Sende var bir problem, herkes küfrediyor falan. Neyse ömrün çok uzun olmaz zaten, sana iyi eğlenceler diliyorum.

    Konu genelinde de muhtemelen ceza alacaklar, yapılan şey kurallara aykırı ama bence olayın öncesi de var ve sen hak etmişsindir herhalde :D

    • DinkDonk 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, rhena said:

    Nasıl bir inceleme hocam bu?  Bize neden hiçbir ayrıntı verilmiyor? Biri yargılandıktan sonra önce ceza almasına neden olan olaylar ve sonrasında da aldığı ceza söylenmez mi?  Tamam Livinmind; in banı açılmasın istesek 2 günde gene dizeriz aynı çarı ama bize lütfen söyleyin nerde ne zaman hangi botu kullanmış? Biz çarı tekrar dizsek sonra başka birini banlayacaksınız hemde hiçbir açıklama yapmadan. Biz artık ban açılsın falan da istemiyoruz sadece bize ayrıntı verin ya açın logları bizimle paylaşın. Diyeceksiniz ki böyle bir zorunluluğumuz yok. Çünkü elinizde bişey yok bunu da zorunluluğumuz yok diyerek geçiştiriyorsunuz.

    Ağlama duvarı mı lan burası ?

  10. 55 minutes ago, METEHAN20 said:

    Sence her hangi bir program ile oyun oynasak nikos burda isim vermek yerine bizi banlamaz mı ? Asıl kelime oyununu sen yapıyorsun. Dediğim gibi Livinmind tekrar incelenirse onun banı da açılacaktır 

    Ne olur biri şu zekasıza dediklerimi anlayabileceği bir şekilde aktarsın.

    Eleman diyor ki, "herhangi bir program kullansak banlanmaz mıydık ?". Sonra da diyor ki, "livinmind'ı banladılar tekrar incelensin". Kendine kanıt gösterdiği ceza sisteminin banını doğru bulmuyor. Aga kafayı yedirtir insana bunlar. Biri der elimle oynuyorum, kapı gibi strike listesinde adı; biri der bizde illegal bir şey yok ama sayfa sayfa videoları paylaşılır. Yalan zeka işi beceremeyen söylemesin.

  11. 1 hour ago, DerWeiher said:

    Hayır, sadece Heracles ile şifre paylaştığın için ban yemiş olsaydın bu charlarda ban yemiş olurdu diyor. Çünkü bu charlarda bağlantılı diyor. Bu bütün karakterlerin temiz olduğu anlamına gelmez. Laf oyununa gerek yok.

    Laf oyunu yaptigini sanmiyorum. Okudugunu anlayabilme zeka ile paralel bir yetenek. Haliyle yazilanlarin ne ile ilgili oldugu hakkinda bir fikri yok muhtemelen.

    • Wow 1
  12. 23 hours ago, Nivera said:

    Selamın Aleyküm 

    Arkadaşımın hesabı banlı değil diyorsunuz sayın @GM_Thanosama şuan siteyi kontrol ederseniz banlı olduğunu rahatlıkla görebilirsiniz. Arkdaşım sadece boş vakitlerinde gelip bizle beraber farm atıp vakit geçiren biri. Ne bir pk aktivetesi oldu nede koxp mcro vs bir aktivitesi oldu. Bir yanlışlık olma ihtimali olabilirmi. Neden ban yediğini bizde anlayamadık. 


    2 hours ago, LivinMind said:


    Bilerek yaziyorum. Yazdiklarim profilimde kalsin ki iki uc haftaya bu olay unutuldugunda ben hatirlayayim. Siz ve sizinle alakasi olan herkesi oyuna kustereyim. Isin icinde siz varsaniz arkadasiniz buyuk ihtimalle bir seyler yapmistir. Yapmamissa bile sirf sizin yaninizda oynadigi icin yaptirimi hak ediyordur.

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