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Posts posted by nikos32

  1. 1 hour ago, Elysia said:

    why dont you make it similar to exit game procedure? like if you are damaged by player in 10 sec you cant town.

    That's a very good idea but I think that the problem is not about players /towning after they 've been hitted. 
    The problem is that players in KnightOnline are using /town to avoid losing 50 NPs upon death.

    Players will be asked to vote on this matter and if the majority dislike it, then we'll modify it on what you've suggested :) 

  2. The announcement you’ve all been waiting for: ProfessionalKO's official launch will be on 21st of June at 21:00 Server Time (GMT+3)!
    There will be a BETA re-launch on 6th of June at 21:00 Server Time (GMT+3) and I really, really hope that you login on that day and help us to finalize our testing!


    There had been many changes since 2017 that is hard to note down as I was not keeping a list, so I will try to mention the major changes that comes to my mind at this moment;

    Poll has been implemented. Making game changes based on our players' suggestions and opinions is our #1 priority, for that reason we'll try to keep poll updated WEEKLY and at the end of each poll one random player who votes will be receiving a reward. You cannot vote more than once per account and the requirement is to have at least 1 character max-leveled in your account.
    Search feature has been added in both User & Monthly Rankings that allows you to search for characters by using keywords.
    Rules of Conduct, Account-Protection tips and several other documents have been updated.
    GM List has been remade and it's now updated dynamically.
    Each character now has an auto-generated signature image that contains some info (including your character's name), which you can download and use on any Forums you would like to, or, simply save it and keep it on your PC just to remember the time you spent playing on our server :)
    Quests list has been added and it contains information about quests that are automatically started/completed by killing monsters, players or by collecting items.
    Kings' election list has been added and you can now view what's the current state of the elections, the nominated players and the vote counts.
    Several visual issues have been fixed.

    Several bugs regarding Capture the Flag event have been fixed.
    Gelatinous Sire, Gilded Baron and Rainbow Goblin are now spawning in CZ automatically. Rainbow Goblin spawns inside bowl and the others on farming spots.
    BDW and JM events have /town function disabled, you are not losing any NPs upon death and party bug has been fixed.
    LNS event towns are now considered as safe-areas and as long as you don't pass through Guard Towers, enemies cannot kill you. There is enough time given for the participants to destroy the Chaos Stone twice and the winner nation gets NP bonus per enemy kill in CZ for 4 hours.
    Restat/reskill cost has been reduced by 25% (compared to original costs) and Premium Users will be able to restat/reskill their points for free, while there will also be a Redistribute Item for sale via PUS.
    Buff NPC now gives you buff that lasts for 30 minutes and there is a discount for Premium Users.
    Killing sprees now supports multikill.
    Bifrost event has teleportation skills disabled while passing through the lava-bridge and the Guard-Towers' damage is less compared to CZ ones.
    There is 1-minute spawn delay for remnants to give a fair amount of time for invaders to teleport the invading land.
    Invaders can teleport to doda/raon camps directly without having to capture the monuments. For that reason the invading monsters will start appearing outside of Elmorad/Luferson Castles once the invasion begins.
    You cannot use /town when you are in a PK zone and there are enemies close to you. We understand that this will be annoying for newbies/new-starters especially against Rogues, for that reason /town is disabled only to those who are max-leveled and having a specific amount of NPs earned. There will be a Poll about this, that's for sure.
    MANY visual & visual effect issues have been fixed.
    Merchant event will be active 24/7 and it will be rewarding characters in merchant mode with Merchant Event Tokens every 30 minutes, which will be exchangeable for BF Fragments, JM Gems and other miscellaneous items that makes this event identical with the fishing/mining features used in newer versions.
    Deathmatch event requires a Deathmatch Raptor in order to participate and each character has 10k HP, deals fixed 1000 damage with skill and 500 with R-attack. You can also use 1000 HP potion and Sprint skills.
    You cannot use /town when you are in Lunar War's prison or any teleportation skill around from the Warders' barracks.
    Delos has 4 different shortcut points where you can teleport by using the warp gates. You'll be able to attack allied clans and the CZ will remain closed till the end of CSW. There will be a Poll about this one as well.
    Chaos Stone will respawn in random coordinates inside bowl and there will not be any respawn notice. There will be notice only when Chaos Stone or Isiloon dies.
    Priests can craft any HP potion upto Water of Favors, depending on the skills they learnt.
    Players spamming the chat will be auto-muted for a limited time. We have developed it to get rid of spamming used with 3rd party tools so normal players should not be affected by this one.
    Players under level 30 cannot trade or merchant and players under level 20 cannot use the Chat.
    All the latest security updates including login-exploit fixes have been applied.
    Elemental damage now increases the damage of your skills too.
    The weight increase scrolls are now seperate from NP increase scrolls.
    You cannot use resurrection scroll in PK zones, Elmorad/Luferson zones are not considered as PK zones so expect them to be working in these zones.
    Ladder points will reset at the beginning of each month along with Monthly points for everyone including online users, automatically, so make sure you always exchange the points for Medals before the reset.
    Regarding Forgotten Temple event, we will be using the new one but there is a chance to keep using the old one too.
    The Snow War, Kill-Gift, Bounty and Top NP earn in CZ will remain the same from previous launches.
    Clan War, Capture the Area and Moradon Mash-Up events will be released as time passes.

    Sadly, there will not be a client-patch for those who downloaded the client back in January. As a patch would exceed 10MB, which is too large for a pre-official patch, we don't want to take a risk with people facing login issues on launch day. The latest client doesn't exceed 450MB and even with low internet speed it could be downloaded in just a few minutes :).

    For any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or post below!

    • Like 1
  3. VeV PvP video my first video i hope u guys enjoy have fun ^_^ after 9 month finaly full item ^_^
    Ýlk videom umarým eðlenirsiniz þimdiye kadar çoktan çekmeliydim evet ama en azýndan sonunda                                          oldu ^_^ herkese iyi eðlenceler :)
    Graywolf (OhaGraywolf)
    Hepinize teþekkürler. ^_^(son sahnede adamýn defender of lord'una ölmeme gülerken bi hal oldum hahhahahahah :D ) last scene i died because of the defender of lord shield :lol:  :lol:
    http://i.hizliresim.com/DMr3JZ.png :P

  4. Yapmýþ olduðum ilk video ve kullandýðým ilk program olduðu için hatalar görebilirsiniz ...

    Tamamen eðlence amaçlý yapýlmýþtýr . PK'dan ziyade birbimizle olan arkadaþlýðý ve oyun zevkini daha sonra herkesin dönüp hatýrlayabilmesi için hazýrladým . Video'da kýrýcý veya küçük düþürücü bir hata da bulunduysam eðer affedin .. ( 1080 Ýzlemenizi öneririm )

    Ýzlediðiniz için teþekkürler ...

    Because I prepared in the first video and the first program I use is possible to see small problems ...

    Entirely made for entertainment purposes. friendship and enjoy the game with our PK with each other rather than later I prepare to remember everyone's back. Forgive me if in this video found degrading or humiliating a mistake ..

    Thanks for watching .. ( I suggest you to watch 1080 )


  5. Frenchy's 1st video ever.


    A lot of f*** ups on her part.
    Worst BP gameplay evar.
    Sins running away
    Warriors running away
    Mages towning
    A lot of unnecesary chasing
    30 or less FPS action combat
    Afq orcs are nps
    and many things.


    Lag was constant, hard to film at 29fps, impossible to go bowl with 2000 novas all around, bowl & WC party footage for 2nd video. Bandicam logo was over orc's names but it really doesn't matter who's the rival, this is just for fun. 

    Here's the link


  6. Öncelikle Herkese MRB :)
    Þahsým Adýna Konusuyorum.... TheColony Clanýn Son Videosunda Güzel Yorumlar Yapmýþtým...
    Ancak Ordaki Olaylarý O Kadar Sacma Sapan Hale Getirdiler Anlam Veremedim
    Sizin 5 Party Cýktýgýnýz Yerde Biz 1 Party Cýkýp Sadece Eglenmek Amacýyla Oynuyoruz 

    Ve Video Hakkýnda 3. PART Videomuzu Cekiyoruz Ve Önden Bir Fragman>Teaser Yayýnlamayý 
    Karar Verdik :)  
    Hd Ýzlemenizi Tavsiye Ederim :)


                 Buyrun Link :  


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