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Everything posted by MutahBaele

  1. MutahBaele


    First of all i think you gotta pay attention while you're reading something. And... No, because you gotta roll 0 to 90 for make +8 in %90 chance. If u roll 91 to +8 then you will lose your item. Its just example of % system works. Do your research. Luck system is based on codes and rolling numbers. There is no secret hand that making things easier. I upgraded a lot a items to +8 in this server... WITHOUT burning any item. Just 1 shot. And i lost a lot too. So just work harder and dont give up. Thats all.
  2. Even their pm's are opened to conversation, they cannot reply back. This is not healthy to users. I know life is not just about game but they have responsibilities to users. I hope GM Crew find some solution about it.
  3. MutahBaele


    I burnt a lot to +8 (with a lot a worthy unique items like hb 7 to 8 ). Its not important that how many +7's u have. Its really about the chance factor. And upgrade rates like rolling dice. For example; Let's say a you gotta roll between 300-900 for +7 to +8. You went to anvil with a lot a 7's and you still cant roll between 300 - 900. But 1 day you got a chance that even without trina you can roll between 300 - 900, congratz! You rolled number 367. Thats how upgrade rates goes.
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