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  1. mhytbuster Members 83 Posted 2 hours ago (edited) https://streamable.com/rpz8t6 https://hizliresim.com/mghgp8q As You can see he is using HP potion when the mob attacks him while he is AFK farming. I also suggest you find out the characters in the same IP and take necessary actions. We really tired of posting this cheaters one by one. We need active GMs. @nikos32 Edited 2 hours ago by mhytbuster addition The video and photo posted by this friend are my character. Macro is open, just like everyone else is macro open. I don't know any tricks. How come you don't pay attention to the logs? Are you banning directly? Then, let me proceed with the process, come to the slot and shoot a mob, take the videos, let it hit a pot, and then send you the video and it will be banned? Even in CZ, using macros gets me imprisoned twice. While I am banned for 30 days, how can I be banned unlimitedly in EMC even though it is not controlled? ? Did you pay attention to the details? The man has been betting on me for a few days now. It comes and goes into the slot itself. This is its purpose. You need to take action on this. I want my account to be checked. Let's see if there is any cheating. Or is what that man did a great disrespect, please check. And I want it to open. @niko32
  2. hiç birşey yapmadığım halde. tüm karakterlerimi tüm arkadaşlarımı buraya yönlendirdiğim halde. ve üstüne üstün slotlarıma ikidebir tw çekilmesine rağmen. insanların videosunu bile atmadığım halde. herkesin makro kullanıldığı serverde. ve hiç bir şekilde ban muhabbeti olmadığı halde banlandım. yani siz cz de bile su kuralı yazmışsınız. ( Using Macro tools on PK Jail Jail 30 day Ban ama emc ile ilgili herkes kullanıyor makroyu bu ban değil. lütfen çözülmesini istiyorum.
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