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    United States

Everything posted by ashisoodo

  1. the update is pretty cool i do have a suggestion about the quest. you could make an invisible overlay on the map with a script in it that enables the quest to where you can pick different areas in CZ for the quest to work. if not you're just going to have people running around killing new players farming their gear. like i can see some farming areas like Mini DM,titans and other mobs that take decent gear to farm as spots not just bowl. booro would be a good spot for it but like the lower tier areas like trolls and stuff where new players are just starting to get some gear would just be farming spots for the quest. but as it stands i could see a decently geared sins running around cz cp spiking new players to get the new weapons which would be very off putting for people new to the server.
  2. i just had around 100 items fail going from +6 to +7 im not playing until that shit gets fixed i have bought so much kc so im a bit pissed i spent money on this game and yet the upgrade rates are bs not even in the real game have i had such bad luck. i was told it was because im from the united states is that true is this game fixed to where Americans can't upgrade items?
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