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Everything posted by io_oi

  1. rich ass. i think too early for WoW
  2. finally some gg programmer who thinks on performance Welcome to the team btw
  3. they should not have removed master items from cr farm. i hop eit would be reconsider cuz many of the players are there without master and 2 hit in bowl Just think as in players who have already geared up have mostly stopped cr farma nd started raiding spots cc @nikos32
  4. nice updates guys! also hoping macro farmer wont take the farming spots lolz
  5. I have played with him for last 2 db and never had probem. If he did not like something in party, he would quit party rather than curse someone. One of the good players that exist in this game at the moment.
  6. we have been telling this for so long but it is staying this way for some reason. Easy for macro campers
  7. When you NT, u receive a SEX change scroll as well. You can use this to change to the small or female warrior.
  8. Made life easier for us as well, since its very understandable
  9. I had seen it before may be in few DB earlier. IT is always good to notify the user that something has succeded or failed. For example when you upload something into a website, it shows "Sccessfyllu uploaded" or some success message. This way user knows. FOllowing message can be shown for preium user: "Successfully Reskilled or Reskill Completed" "Successfully Restat or Restat Completed" I got it once yesterday but today when i tried, i did not get that. Regarding autoloot - It is activating and bonus point is adding accordingly. I think previously i dc'd while in game and the timer did reset (i again do not remember exactly how long since i was in anothr window working). Thanks!
  10. While repairing, the money spend is not shown as it used to Same thing while buying pots as well.
  11. @nikos32 when you use restat and reskill with premium, it doesnt give success message as before. It says "There are no point to reset" but it is actually resetting!
  12. I think you need to open this a bit sooner so the beta players cna find bugs. having a week is not enough. Last time too same kinda thing happened and things got delayed for relaunch.
  13. also increase the former month drops when you are in next month, so people can catch up with some effort. This will insure that people who joined late can also join the others.
  14. 4th month bf weapons, exc weapons and red/black chitins, +8 to the shells and high class weapons 5th month felankor, valk, blue shards, +8 to bf weapons, exc weapons and red black chitins 6th month blue shards (grages) 7th month legendary - jack and so on .... DO the same for wings as well. introduce bdw rings later like on 3rd month may be?
  15. I think he means that he wanted to click "Hrunting" but my mistake he clicked on "Kerykeion Ice"
  16. ANy heads up on what they are? am guessing halloween event.
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