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Posts posted by itsCalaMiTY

  1. 4 hours ago, Tuke said:

    Just waiting what gm´s will do this server... just saying now need " big changes, relaunch, should think any possible things carefully" :)

    Or nikos do those steps i said or relaunch are the only miracles capables to bring activity. You saw what happened when twostar accepted it. Lost 40 players by winning around 300 on each timezone.

    Psdt: add kurians plox

  2. Few points can resurect a server :

    1 ) Newcommers shall be able to pk in the first min they enter server, yes this is a myko based server but we run on 2020 and if u want come a server where players advantage you more than 6 months you need have a chance to pk to have fun after work etc. ( flame rings etc +0 , bdw set +0 Shells +7 ) old players will keep his advantage but newcommers can run on cz with those.

    2) Farm for big groups: Actually the best way to farm here is soloing and it reduces the chance of a full clan to come and get geared toghether. Dark mares shall drop gold bars not silver bars for example.

    3) Mages nikos mages mages, they kill a lot die a lot , they keep the pk alive. I know mages its a delicate theme with those rings u adding. But the true is nova dmg is ridiculous and staff 72 too high( on ice mages 72 staff never shall slow btw)

    4) Npc to spend nps and get cap items, chitin shield, iron set, chd,hb etc. It has doble positive effect, players got a funny way to get items and newcommers wont see 25 players near 1m nps.

    5) Add real game masters dude

    My 2 cents are given, ill be somewhere else patiently waiting such as a lot more that i talk with they daily.

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  3. The purpose of this game its fight the other nation, not run to moradon everytime you see enemys around u. They were 3 and you started doing strange things like everytime an human is around u and it resulted another big fail. Its everytime the same you and your ppl lack of skills and find 93948 excuses diferents daily to dont accept the true. I tried help orc side since they lack of a priest or commander or w/e u wanna call it but u keep doing z skill z skill z skill, u cant do more guys simply accept it. And hell yeah u got same items as empire , why cant you do shit ?

  4. 3 hours ago, Relvie said:

    wont be any new videos. orc nation is done, humans took over like cockroaches they are. GG

    Ill speak for my self here. I change nation constantly only looking for the best pk wich fits my horary. Sadly your ppl are a bunch of dikheads only capable to z kill and only syndrome downs can enjoy playing around ya. This morning 3 humans took a complete party of your clan even before they notice there were humans around. You cry about  humans items since im back to server, but now I see u just find excuses to dont accept the fact that u did not learn to play a game wich is longer than 15 years. 

    • Haha 1
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