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  1. Today
  2. You really asking about new generation KO The reason why people playing proKO is not only the best server of nowadays, but also it's ''nostalgic'' taste. We don't wanna get everything from easy way, we still missing 2005's and that's why im still playing every proko server. This is your opinion yes, but this is my pure and ''real'' opinion about situation.
  3. You didnt trash or sell them before u take a break, right?
  4. these are my ideas so far to make the game better - we need 10 skills slot in the skill bar - we need to press and hold to add stats and skills points after reskill or re-stat instead of clicking one by one - we need HP AND MANA bar that we can put next to our char that will comfortable our eyes instead of looking at the corner of the screen - we need an option in the setting ( option ) to mute merchant .. we don't have to mute it manually every time we enter the game - we need ANTI MACRO to be really visible for the eyes like for example at the middle of the screen like FT even join thing and we have to answer for it on easier questions this is not math test to make it that difficult and we have to get calculator next to our pc to get the right answer and also sometime even if we answered correctly it throw us to Moradon - we need the game max level to be 75 in order to revive the archer char and open more potential to the other characters - We need to add achievement to the game and make it stackable so players will do some effort in the game to get these achievement done and take the extra stats of it - We need VIP KEY and inventory bags
  5. Yesterday
  6. Hello guys! I know i wouldn't be exactly an useful suggestion, but it would be cool either way. One thing i remember people complaining last db was that most of the best weapons were poison damage, like Ascalon. One thing that would be cool is that people could use that dispell scroll, just like mages, but to pretty much every weapon. Me, for example, i would love to play with an ice Raptor+8. I don't know if that's even possible, but it would be an interesting thing to implement (assuming it is possible).
  7. You can check starting with — 03/22/2024 11:23 I don't have to lie or anything and maybe I'm not the only one who has experienced something like this, it's really not pleasant at all to donate some money in the game and not be able to play when the game started, I think I donated over 500 euros and now I'm watching that I can't play
  8. Last week
  9. no unusual connection detected, you'll need to ask the person with whom you illegally share your account and who kept playing during this period
  10. my items is set black 7 sn 7 javana 7 shio tears 2x +1 ft nek +1 2x pe wing of hero +12 gb can u check please ?
  11. I guess you can see on the IP who has logged in to my account because I have not been in the last period and the focus has not been given to anyone I do not know how I am left without items you can search and check everything that happened last month in my account because I have not been I am 2 days online in the moradon empty waiting for a resolution
  12. you need to provide more information what do you mean "stolen by trade" when did that happen
  13. Hi evening I'm sorry to announce but all my items after account have been stolen by trade ...what do I have to do to recover everything that was taken from me? I have not logged in for some time because of family problems ..and I want to recover my items to be able to play peacefully! ign:bubu
  14. Earlier
  15. Hello i am looking for. 1 Iron bow +8 / Helenid +7/+8 Iron Belt Silver earring Rol Chitin set +7 or red +7 Pm me here or ingame sarix Also Discord yuyevon
  16. lo siento, pero ninguna de estas fechas tiene información sobre Glacier Erenion +7 del personaje FULGORCITO tampoco. parte de la información que proporcionaste debe ser incorrecta. lo siento, revisé de nuevo y lo vendiste al NPC el 7 de mayo. Por favor, responde aquí cuando estés en línea.
  17. I sincerely apologize for the lack of content updates during this server maintenance. This is not something you are accustomed to from us, but due to personal issues, I was unable to deliver any updates this time. I hope to get back on track and provide the expected updates in the next maintenance cycle. You deserve better, and I want you to know that I truly tried. Thank you for your understanding. Fixed a rare issue where participants in the Deathmatch event could be placed in multiple ranking positions, leading to multiple rewards being granted. Fixed an issue where the use of Ladder Truck during CSW resulted in client crashes following the updates on March 31. Fixed an official issue where setting UI scaling to anything other than default would reveal a client crash issue during merchant setup after typing long messages. Added upgrade scroll's name to both item and accessory upgrade chat notifications. Added chat notifications for unique items obtained randomly via NPC exchanges. There have also been changes to the lunar war, announcement, basic attack, melee skill attack, archer skill attack, target HP, weapon defense, and clan systems. Nothing new about them, but if you notice anything unusual, please report it.
  18. buenas! eso son los ultimas veces que entre con el mago, hasta ayer que me di cuenta no tengo el staff 2024-05-16 11:28:00 2024-05-09 10:00:41 2024-05-06 14:40:27 Desde ya, muchas gracias!!!
  19. buenas! eso son los ultimas veces que entre con el mago, hasta ayer que me di cuenta no tengo el staff 2024-05-16 11:28:00 2024-05-09 10:00:41 2024-05-06 14:40:27 Desde ya, muchas gracias!!!
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