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Posts posted by PrinceKassaD

  1. 1 hour ago, Ragnar said:

    Im against control minor because its a bug basically lol,and if all rogues are using macro what it has to do with me when im using hands ?I have no problem to pk and show nikos while im pking so he can see i havent any macro or crap,i already used Teamviewer with him so you wont get me there.

    I barely use mouse for pking,only for moving or escaping,when its pvp im using keyboard 90% of the times for following with Z/R/E or using skills,i think its pretty simple to understand.

    its not bug and uf have no problem with the macro users(which i have)let us use ctrl minor,dont make us use the macro its not fun.OK u use ur hand keep using it why the f u insist on ur egoist idea lol.Ur just being selfih and egoist nothing more...

  2. 16 hours ago, Ragnar said:

    my skillbar is 1-5 skills 6-7 minor and 8 mp pot,been using same for 13 years,and i use both hands on keyboard.


    yeah maybe u are using ur hands but dont u think that u are maybe the onlu one using ur hands? why are u thinking subjectively instead in genreal?? dont u understand or dont u know all sins are using macro? and why the f are u against ctrl minor? because u can use ur hands?(EGO hell)

    and can u explan me how do u use ur mouse at pk action when u are using ur hands for minor? its doable and kinda easy for VSes but for pk its hard and even if u can do that way that does not make u any right lol.

  3. zaten serverda ben int mage hiç görmedim şu int lightning mageyi bi tık avantaj sağlaması lazım biraz kitlemesi lazım ama dedikleri şey son patchta o int olayınıa kladırmaları yani saçma sapan iş yaptık demeleri.Hasaralr nasılk bilmyom ama hasarların düşmesi kitleme oranın artması lazım zaten serverda lightning az int mage yok gibi bişey

    Having read that gm's saying about the patch int,mp anything does not affect the ration of stun is nonsense.We rarely see lightning mage and dunno if there is any int mage this is really nonsens.I mean there must be advantage of int mage cuz its rare in this server not abused as well.Literally no logic...

  4. can anyone tell me what is the disadvatanges of ctrl minor ? anyway all sins almost use macro and ruin the game and u are talking about ctrl minor.Thats really fucked up what u are saying about this topic.We see sins in pk videos are using macro seeing his skillbar like 7 mana 8 minor.CTRL minor users cant kill on vs with this macro users too.

    Can anyone tell me what is the logic behind this topic? 



    CTRL minorun ne avantajı var aq ağlıyo millet.Alayı makro kullanıyo sonra elle basıyom diyo pk videosunda görüyouz skill barını.Zaten ctrl kullanan adam makrocuyu kesemiyor edemiyor hiçbir avantaj sağlamıyor neden bu millet bu konuda saçma sapan ağlıyor biri mantıklı birşey yazsın bana okudum bu karşı çıkanların tek sebebi çok kolaymışmış....

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