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Dirty keke

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Posts posted by Dirty keke

  1. 4 hours ago, magicashlee said:


    @Dirty keke 

    Surely relaunching now will just send everyone that is left straight to the server which has just started where everyone went? I honestly cant see any logic in starting from scratch. none. Your not gonna get players back that way, as they have just restarted elsewhere less than a week agao. and 2, the people who like it here (the loyal ones) may go too.  Im not farming everything all over again. 

    Just wanted to add a bit. New players if not referred by friends, will often find servers via the top 10 lists. Things many people look for:
    Server stability; Amount of players; Features.  (I would say that order, but im sure others may change them about.
    The main thing if you look at the big player private servers is server time online. They are the full ones.  I chose this, as the only other server I could see that was reliant had old skool xp. WHich means 200 years to level. This was the second that said online since Oct. That is a major selling point! Get rid of that, then you may as well pick and choose with the other 50 out there.

    i wanted to clear my point. Is server keep going like that like 2-3 or months? Do you think this server hits again 200-250 active user at its prime? If answer yes, okey wait a little more. in 24 hours servers has likely under 100 players. In it prime 120. But now or 2 months later, everyone knows whats going to happen. Even moradon is ghost now. 

    with 200-300 users proko is fun. But under 100 users, its not. I'ts unplayeble. 

    There will be no new players, there will be no active +150 users. and like i was said, there will be no proko without active users. In here, there is a good KO communtiy. We can use it with fresh start. If there will be a relaunch, and it seems like it will be, why not now?  Thats my point.

    But sure, we can wait a few months more xd.

  2. There is no back from there. There will be no new players cause of merch. prices. Maybe with that all good additions some old players can back and server hits again 130-140 players at prime. But other time server mostly be ghost, just like now. 75 online at 18:15.

    Maybe we can wait a little longer, 1 week or 2 week for old players can back but i dont think so. Server eventually get relaunch. My suggestion is no need to losing time or wait. Make good farm, cz and event plan with all commnity and get relaunch. Thats the only way.  

  3. So now everyone knows how the direction of the server. Now server has under 100 online and 1 weeks later its goin to be more less. Its going to keep going like that. Thats fact. sad but true, server is dead.

    I suggested, before pandemic ending and when everyone sitting their home, server needs RELAUNCH ASAP. No point to losing time. 

    i know some players work hard for items and its kinda injustice but there is no server without user. For players who gets full items can get some priority items or KC next DB.

    It's important to relaunch should be soon. After decied to relaunch, we can talk about how farm and economy should have been.

  4. I played at this server like last 3 db's and i see server going to die again, but this one seems so slow.  Pk and CZ events good tho but, players go by one by cause there is no solo farm. And that updates could be good. could be like early diagnosis, specially Red chitins and Juraid uptades. 
    I think solo farm is important for all players and for now, there is none. Medals uptades could fix it. hope theese uptades could come soon as possible. 

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