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Dev Diaries #2

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Atm archer hit 550-650 each hit, imagine 600 in middle, 7 x 600 = 4200 in 1 second, now add more dmg, not high only 50-100 dmg... 7 x 675 = 4725 in second, with cold down of cast and range to hit arrow, 2 seconds more in 3 seconds u can do 8k+ dmg only with 7 archers without debuff, i hope u remember how was mage last dbs with staff ice and slow, same thing gonna happen, atm archer is fine, enough dmg from far, only had issues with combo 5-3, in each commend i saw u talk about imba, idk how to talk to u, in this planet nobody can tank combo archer 5-3 is impossible u cannot tank 5-3 (low dmg 200 each basic arrow, 5-3 1600 in 1 seconds, while u do next combo 2 second then 3200 dmg in 2-3 seconds so that is impossible tank dont care if u warrior or assas) btw u talk like everyone have ib, gb, anti arrow is 0 at belts, only ft neck but if u try compare dmg is better use elf belt or even judi cos anti arrow didnt work at all, i hope u test it after this, use one aod and ft neck +1 u will see the difference of dmgs)

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skyyyy you look like a parrot repeating what I said putting against me, I already said that the archer in combo of 3 and 5 arrows was strong he had good damage I said it a month ago and I said it a while ago, in this you are contradicting Leticia that he was not satisfied with the damage of 3 and 5 arrows, and why I use imba as a reference because he is one of the few assassins who does vs to the archer without moving, this video is a vs with kean93 this is an example I did it now , it was obvious that I would die if I get the last pot of HP maybe he would die, but see the difference

set +8, two haded sword +8, wings of war, I Belt, A Necklace, duo minotauro earring +1, duo bdw ring, scrolls 2k, acc350 vs

set +7, iron bow +8, wings of baba, FT Necklace +0, skeleton belt 0 anti-sword, wings of baba, duo hr +0, duo forevin, scrolls 1.5k, acc300


With this you continue to contradict Leticia with her claim of the damage of the arrows and the attack speed of the arrows 3 and 5, if they carry out their compliment of Leticia as you say no one on the server will be able to do against an OP archer

You say about accessories and damage that the archer does per second, in which server has the archer not had good damage? The archer has always had good damage in 3 and 5 arrows, this is balanced with the speed of the shot and heals with HP pot, while despite the fact that everyone uses a skeleton belt, the assassin in 1 second drops 1000 + 200 + 700 + 180 and heals with minor

you keep making the group comparison, not all your life you will see archers in groups of 7, that happens only in peak hours of the pk, skill 70 is not useful to kill someone who fights on the move either 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2, the shot of the arrow is slow and it is not useful to finish off a player who escapes from the vs with little life, well it would be if he hit 600 at the same speed as a warrior, something that will not happen, his criticisms are more fired at number of archer playing at the same time in a given time

why don't you use your imagination that you are hunted by 3 assassins that kill you in less than 1 second or a good attack of 7 warriors, the archers are always annoying in this server and in all the other servers, you are not going to change that, it's funny when you use reference 550 - 650 when the arrows do a pure damage of 350 - 650, do your multiplications 7 x 350 = joke

The archer in a party is annoying when you neglect them or do not pay attention to them, but what happens if you face them using your intelligence, the group of archers will die when ambushed by a party, the ice and lightning arrows will be of short distance for not be easily used by archers that hit 40km away, in case other modifications can be made such as increasing the charging time or reducing the effect of its power, although in this server they are all equipped with full resistance in particular the priests



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Zaten begginer setiyle bile full item wariorlara en az 400 vurabiliyor bir archer gördüğümüz kadarı ile. 3'lü 5'li ok skillerine optimize gelmesi zaten gerekiyordu ve yeterli olurdu diye düşünüyorum. Bir de ''ice'' ve 'lighting'' skilleri gelecekmiş cooldownu düşürülmüş şekilde hiç kaçamayalım isterseniz z ye gelince ölelim direkt ? Ayrıca 62 kullandığında (ki serverda Duration da mevcut) hiç bir şekilde ice ve lr yemeyen roguelere bizlere partilerinde bir debuff olduğu taktirde taa fizandan tek atma şansı verdiğin için sağol. Boşuna item falan yapıyorsunuz açın bi dandirik archer oynayın demek gibi bişey olmuş bu. Hakaret bu emek veren oyunculara. Oyundan soğutmayın lütfen. 

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5 hours ago, haze said:

skyyyy you look like a parrot repeating what I said putting against me, I already said that the archer in combo of 3 and 5 arrows was strong he had good damage I said it a month ago and I said it a while ago, in this you are contradicting Leticia that he was not satisfied with the damage of 3 and 5 arrows, and why I use imba as a reference because he is one of the few assassins who does vs to the archer without moving, this video is a vs with kean93 this is an example I did it now , it was obvious that I would die if I get the last pot of HP maybe he would die, but see the difference

set +8, two haded sword +8, wings of war, I Belt, A Necklace, duo minotauro earring +1, duo bdw ring, scrolls 2k, acc350 vs

set +7, iron bow +8, wings of baba, FT Necklace +0, skeleton belt 0 anti-sword, wings of baba, duo hr +0, duo forevin, scrolls 1.5k, acc300


With this you continue to contradict Leticia with her claim of the damage of the arrows and the attack speed of the arrows 3 and 5, if they carry out their compliment of Leticia as you say no one on the server will be able to do against an OP archer

You say about accessories and damage that the archer does per second, in which server has the archer not had good damage? The archer has always had good damage in 3 and 5 arrows, this is balanced with the speed of the shot and heals with HP pot, while despite the fact that everyone uses a skeleton belt, the assassin in 1 second drops 1000 + 200 + 700 + 180 and heals with minor

you keep making the group comparison, not all your life you will see archers in groups of 7, that happens only in peak hours of the pk, skill 70 is not useful to kill someone who fights on the move either 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2, the shot of the arrow is slow and it is not useful to finish off a player who escapes from the vs with little life, well it would be if he hit 600 at the same speed as a warrior, something that will not happen, his criticisms are more fired at number of archer playing at the same time in a given time

why don't you use your imagination that you are hunted by 3 assassins that kill you in less than 1 second or a good attack of 7 warriors, the archers are always annoying in this server and in all the other servers, you are not going to change that, it's funny when you use reference 550 - 650 when the arrows do a pure damage of 350 - 650, do your multiplications 7 x 350 = joke

The archer in a party is annoying when you neglect them or do not pay attention to them, but what happens if you face them using your intelligence, the group of archers will die when ambushed by a party, the ice and lightning arrows will be of short distance for not be easily used by archers that hit 40km away, in case other modifications can be made such as increasing the charging time or reducing the effect of its power, although in this server they are all equipped with full resistance in particular the priests



Pones un vídeo de un warrior , que no sabe usar el "S" el prácticamente ni se movió quiso tankear y obvio que las 5-3 flechas le vana golpear , ahora le puedes eso a un asesino ? Tu sabes que no puedes la veces que yo fui asesino , y  usted quiso hacer un vs , yo estaba full HP Y YO  haciendo del redball  , entonces no comparemos un warrior con un asesino , EN EL PROFESSIONAL KO EL ARQUERO NUNCA HA TENIDO LIGHT O ICE ? Y YO DIJE SI DESEAN BAJEN EL DAÑO DEL 70 , O SI DESEAN DEJARLO AHI , PERO AGREGAR FLECHA ICE Y LIGHT ? NUNCA FUE LA INTENCION EN EL POST QUE SE HIZO DEL ARQUERO , SOLO SE HABLO  DEL 5-3ARROW  Y DEL DAÑO DE ESAS FLECHAS, AHORA ACA LA MAYORIA QUE VIENE DE OTRO SERVIDOR DONDE SE COMBINA EL DAÑO ELEMENTAL DE LAS ARMAS SABEN QUE LAS FLECHAS 5-3 SON MAS EFECTIVAS QUE LAS DE SKILL 70 , ASI QUE USA TU SENTIDO COMUN SI LA MAYORIA DEL SERVIDOR SE ESTA QUEJANDO DE ARCHER Y DE SU GENIAL COMBO DE (Z+SKILL) EN GRUPO Y ABURRIR AL SERVIDOR , YA QUE MOLESTA MUCHO A LOS PARTY WARRIOR , PARTY MAGO , ENTONCES POR QUE DEJARLOS CON LLS SKILLES. DE ICE Y LIGHT , NO CREES QUE SERIA MUY OP ? AHORA SI PIDES FLECHA DE LIGHT O ICE , POR QUE TAMBIEN NO RECOMIENDAS QUE SE DEVUELVA EL CD DEL LIGHT FEET ? Así te das cuenta si el archery está mucho sin ice y light arrow , imagínate con esos SKILLES abierto, por eso ahí que ser más apáticos con los demás jugadores , si se arregla el cast del combo y el fallo que tiene de las 5-3 flechas 





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22 hours ago, nikos32 said:
  • The damage of arrow shower, multiple shot and dark pursuer skills will be slightly increased.
  • anti-macro/bot protection will be updated to reduce the casting failures of arrow shower and multiple shot combo from legit players.
  • ice and lighting shot skills will be added and their casting range will be reduced in half.

Let us know what you think about it, in the comments below.

Is there an issue with our character freezing when archers are around either attacking or literally just near by?

I've been having this issue a lot lately and it only make sense with the archer class being used more often now.

Character freezes for about 3 seconds, unable to use minor or move at all during the time and I'm not the only one having this issue.

Please check on it @nikos32

P.S Will there be any update on Boroo,Titan,Dm's in the near future? 

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30 minutes ago, GLaDiaToR888 said:

Is there an issue with our character freezing when archers are around either attacking or literally just near by?

I've been having this issue a lot lately and it only make sense with the archer class being used more often now.

Character freezes for about 3 seconds, unable to use minor or move at all during the time and I'm not the only one having this issue.

Please check on it @nikos32

P.S Will there be any update on Boroo,Titan,Dm's in the near future? 

the same thing happens to me I'm running, I press the control key CTRL AND USE THE ANTICLICK for me minor, I'm running and out of nowhere it stops, I thought it was me or me, but I see that there are several that happen to them ... thanks for your information 

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Esto lo dijiste en tu post anterior RnzARCHER: estoy jugando de warrior pero también aburrido en solo usar Z+skill y de asesino es lo mismo .. meter parasito y malice y solo usar tu Spike y thrust ... Entonces no es diversión ... Llevo jugando casi 5 años de archer y acá si no tienes a 5 archerys  más no matas con Z+skill XD y por la misma razón no juego full dex.. 1 spike y estás al suelo, en conclusion

-el arquero no es el unico que juega z + skill, también lo hacen los guerreros y los asesinos porque esto es un server full pk, un arquero sin party con skill 70 no mata nada y mandar a un arquero a jugar z + 3 y 5 flechas será victima fácil del debuff y la estampida de guerreros que juega z + skill

-lleva jugando 5 años con arquero y acá si no tiene 5 arqueros no matas con z + skill, lo raro fue que poco después se estaba contradiciendo como ahora lo sigue haciendo

-jugar con full DEX caes de 1 spike, eso también es algo que vengo diciendo los arqueros juegan full DEX para aumentar su daño, pero si los emboscas se muere todo el party de arqueros al instante

el guerrero del video no es un guerrero comun y corriente, dices que un asesino no? siempre pongo de ejemplo a imba el mata arqueros con combo W sin usar S, lo que tu hiciste con tu asesino fue divertido nunca vi un experto en los bailes creo que nunca en mi vida llegaría tener tu talento, mi especialidad es warrior me gusta castear los combos de los warrios, asesinos e incluso el heal de las priest y me gusta destrozar arqueros con el combo W e incluso si el arquero tuviera casteo para hacer fallar los golpes mi combo es inmune al casteo, tengo mi warrior aun con partes shell +6, me falta equiparlo y me da flojera aparte de llevar 5 años sin jugar KO,

las flechas ice y lightning se tendría que hacer un ajuste como bien dijo recortar la distancia no vas a matar nada que este en movimiento con 3 y 5 flechas y aun si se mejorara será poco ya que seguirán bailando exageradamente y por otra parte viendo la cantidad de baneados, la cantidad de reportados y los rumores de que un gran numero de jugadores en especial asesinos les gusta usar macros, programas o que se yo no soy un experto en ese tema, en respuesta a skyyyy un  ejemplo 12 arqueros juntos y un warrior se mando de cara hacia ellos, pasaron 4 segundos y el warrior ni siquiera llego a morir, según las matemáticas de skyyyyy debo multiplicar 12 x 650 = 7800, yo llegue a pegar casi 3 veces esto debo añadirlo a la multiplicacion 7800 x 3= 23k jajaja esto no tiene sentido el warrior sobrevivió 4 segundos sin heal y sin morir min 0:19 https://streamable.com/vcbpha por eso no todo lo que se ve es real, que sean un gran numero de arqueros no significa una amenaza a mayor escala ellos siempre están preocupados en mantener una buena distancia por que una emboscada los termina matando fácilmente por eso una flecha ice y lightning a poca distancia ellos no podrán usarlo para aplicarlo en party de arqueros masivos


As for standing still for 3 seconds, that's something that happened to me at the beginning when I stayed afk in an event after being released, I constantly had that problem out of the blue, I thought it was a punishment from the gm, after 2 days the problem disappeared, now notice that this problem of getting stuck can also happen rarely when an alert or window opens out of nowhere when you play KO, it can also happen when you constantly click the ability without letting it work which causes a crash , this may be more aimed at rogues, priests and magicians who have an activated program that causes this, not to mention the macreros,😂 as far as the possibility that it is related to the archer I do not rule it out, I have not seen it, but It would be good if they made a video demonstrating the error so that they can correct it, the only thing I see is a claim and not videos that demonstrate the errors

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  • Administrators
20 hours ago, OsmanAmca said:

Could you also update us about upcoming changes except archer class, please? @nikos32

nothing major, mostly improvements here and there which I didn't even bother to note down because they're not as much important to the players, and some QoL improvements and minor fixes that players reported, but you'll find out about these tomorrow.

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we'll only improve the anti macro/bot protection for the 5/3 arrows combo (the slight damage increase of those 2 skills is still debatable) in this maintenance and, if needed, we'll apply any of the other things that we suggested on friday 02 Sept.

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24 minutes ago, Shady Boss said:

please remember, archer has a 1 second cool down on light feet already, please dont buff them to much.

Ice / Light shot never belonged in MYKO, they where released with ROFD and Ronark Land Base. 

I agree with you, they should put the normal light feet, so the assassins and archers can fall faster, 100% agree with you 

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